The Left’s 2020 ‘Fake Electors’ Narrative Is Fake News – IOTW Report

The Left’s 2020 ‘Fake Electors’ Narrative Is Fake News

The 2020 Georgia situation mirrors events of 60 years ago in Hawaii, revealing that everything the media have said about ‘fake electors’ is wrong.


Headlines recently proclaimed that eight of Trump’s “fake” electors accepted immunity deals. Of course, in reporting the news, the corporate outlets all missed the real story — that the electors’ testimony failed to incriminate anyone, including Trump, and that the county prosecutors engaged in massive misconduct. Equally appalling, however, was the corrupt media’s continued peddling of the “fake electors” narrative. 

There were no “fake” electors. There were contingent Republican electors named consistent with legal precedent to preserve the still ongoing legal challenges to the validity of Georgia’s certified vote. 

Nor was appointing an alternative slate of electors some cockamamie plan devised by Trump lawyers. On the contrary, Trump’s election lawyers and the contingent electors followed the precise approach Democrats successfully used when the date Congress established for certifying an election came before the legal challenges John F. Kennedy had brought in Hawaii were decided. And that approach allowed Kennedy to be certified the winner of Hawaii’s three electoral votes on Jan. 6, 1961, even though the Aloha State had originally certified Richard Nixon the victor.

The Hawaii scenario in 1960 mirrors in every material respect the facts on the ground in Georgia on Dec. 14, 2020 — the date both the Democrat and Republican presidential electors met and cast their 16 electoral votes for Joe Biden and Donald Trump respectively.  read more

5 Comments on The Left’s 2020 ‘Fake Electors’ Narrative Is Fake News

  1. Here they are the Michigan 16 Fake electors:
    Kathy Berden, Rose Rook, Mayra Rodriguez, Hank Choate, Meshawn Maddock, Mari-Ann Henry, John Haggard, Clfford Frost, Kent Vanderwood, Stanley Grot, Marian Sheridan, Timothy King, James Renner, Michele Lundgren, Amy Facchinello & Ken Thompson are having a
    16 Fake Electors x 8 Felonies each = 128 Felonies
    Their addresses coming soon.
    With Justice best served behind prison bars.


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