The Left’s Once Mighty Echo Chamber Is Losing Power – IOTW Report

The Left’s Once Mighty Echo Chamber Is Losing Power


The left and its echo chamber are convinced they are taking out Trump. It’s their “narrative” and they actually believe their own PR. They don’t see how they have driven themselves over the edge of reason and can no longer convince others. The only people they have convinced are themselves —  of their own righteousness. And they actually believe they have succeeded.


This echo chamber once held great power.  They used to be able to form “narratives,” ( activist storylines to decide and interpret news), persuade the powerful, and terrorize the right.  They could make most Republicans quake just by pulling out the race card or the half dozen other narrative cards they have used for so long.  The chamber was constructed over decades. Leftist educators and pols used this Alinskyite playbook to ascend to power, and damn, they were good at using it.   One of their pols, or media stars would say something, often perfectly false, and voila! the media, and their fellow Democratic Party pols would echo it and repeat it so much, it would literally become true in the minds of the majority of the public.   The ideas that Republicans were racist, or against science, or had brazenly ruined the environment, are great examples of what they accomplished.

Now, the echo chamber is losing its power.

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15 Comments on The Left’s Once Mighty Echo Chamber Is Losing Power

  1. Mongol General: Hao! Dai ye! We won again! This is good, but what is best in life?
    Mongol: The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.
    Mongol General: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?
    Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
    Mongol General: That is good! That is good.

  2. As long as they rage against the mythical Trump created by the Clinton campaign, they will continue to be blindsided by the real Trump at avery turn. It is indeed a mass delusion but the green fog of noxious bullshit is dissipating, albeit slower than it should.

    If the Bubble Left is going to continue in campaign mode, then President Trump will set the pace for them. Hence the Melbourne, FL rally.

    Outflanked again, Lefties? Unexpectedly, no doubt.

  3. The left has hitched their wagon to the Russian scenario and realize they sound like fools. When that tactic flames out violence may be their only resort. I hope Sessions will looking into sedition charges against the organizers and funders (Obama & Soros). Caution – – you may want to move out of the city.

  4. “But somebody — somebody important, and credentialed, I’m sure, since that’s what makes you important, and credentialed people don’t listen to the bleetings of unimportant people — said that importing millions and millions of New Americans™ who already knew ‘We’re the Government, and We’re here to help.’ was the punchline, would ensure our eternal, rightful, rule”

  5. @organgrinder

    Oscar the Grouch and his “alternative” Grouch band at Mudstock music festival.
    Headlining in the Echo chamber: the “Zero Song”
    In which a goat is seen eating sneakers.
    ms.A.M.Goat delivers a media diatribe about the portrayal of Goats.
    Goats don’t eat smelly sneakers. Goats only eat healthy food, to make milk.
    msGOAT demonstrates by eating corn and grass, while avoiding a pair of smelly sneakers.
    Another Goat munches them instead.

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