The left’s slogans give it away – IOTW Report

The left’s slogans give it away

American Thinker: As we go through yet another week of Wuhan virus restriction in the United States, do you find yourself becoming annoyed at the daily sloganeering?  We see these messages on television, hear them on radio and flashed before us while driving.  I, for one, am beginning to tire of this “we’re all in this together” claptrap, along with “flattening (or bending) the curve”; social distancing; and “stay safe, stay strong.”  However, the one slogan that is most irritating is “stay at home…save lives.”

Let’s not forget that original reason for sheltering at home was to prevent hospital emergency rooms from becoming overrun by slowing the spread of the virus.  The mandate was never to save lives, but to slow the spread and by default prolong the extent of the virus.  Again, staying at home was for the purpose of lessening the burden on hospitals, not saving lives.

The message has evolved, or rather devolved into an excuse for virtue-signaling.  Examine the message more closely, and what you pick up is the underlying message that by staying home, you can make a difference.  What does making a difference by curtailing your behavior remind you of?  That’s right: the whole climate change trope.  I don’t know about you, but when I think of climate change, I think of politics, and when I think of politics, I think of the left. read more

h/t Forcibly Rearranged.

14 Comments on The left’s slogans give it away

  1. The reason we have all that “daily sloganeering” is because it works, at least on the vast majority of the people who are desperately grasping at anything that will help them make some kind sense and order of things they have no personal prior experience to compare it to.

  2. If the leftists had anything valid to say :

    They would only have to say it !

    Logically, simply and concisely !

    Such a statement would speak for itself.

    There would be no need to attach hysterical emotion.

    There would be no need to reject logical debate
    and arrogantly claim ” the debate is over ”
    when no debate ever happened.

    There would be no need to create a stream of hoaxes
    to distract that your side has no credible candidate,
    no credible issues, no credible argumentation,
    no logical presentment.

    There would also be no need to constantly
    attempt to destroy your opponent
    ad hominem !

  3. And I want to drop a piano on the putz that sadly plays random minor chords for every one of those commercials. I bet he hardly has the time to do the ASPCA or WWF ads anymore.

  4. I would say it worked because they are shutting down a good number of hospitals. It’s such a health crisis that medical personnel are thrown out of work with the rest of us.🥴

  5. I keep hearing an annoying radio spot mentioning the beaten to death call to wash your hands etc. which ends with: “Because we’re all alone in this together.” Oh STFU already with your sh*t.


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