The Left’s War on Women – IOTW Report

The Left’s War on Women

American Thinker:

One of the ugliest secrets about abortion is that, worldwide, girls are much more likely to be killed in the womb than are boys. This has resulted in an alarming male-to-female ratio in multiple countries. Even the George Soros-funded Human Rights Watch has recently declared that “You Should Be Worrying about the Woman Shortage.”

The piece notes that in India and China alone, there’s “now an estimated 80 million extra men.” Surprisingly, the piece acknowledges that this gross disparity is due to the gross policy of sex-selective abortion. Unsurprisingly, instead of blaming the evil practice of the killing of any unborn child, the Human Rights Watch article blames “gender discrimination” and concludes, “When women lack equal rights and patriarchy is deeply engrained, it is no surprise that parents choose to not to have daughters.” Silly me. I thought the left supported anyexcuse to kill the unborn.

As most anyone with a proper worldview well knows, along with the tragic deaths of tens of millions of the most innocent and helpless among us, it turns out that the practice of abortion has other awful consequences. As Human Rights Watch notes,

The woman shortage is having harmful consequences in China and sometimes in neighboring countries. Human Rights Watch looked at one of those consequences for a report forthcoming in 2019 focused on bride-trafficking from Myanmar to China. In Myanmar’s Kachin and northern Shan states, bordering China, long-standing conflict escalated in recent years, displacing over 100,000 people. Traffickers prey on vulnerable women and girls, offering jobs in, and transport to, China. Then they sell them, for around $3,000 to $13,000, to Chinese families struggling to find brides for their sons. Once purchased, women and girls are typically locked in a room and raped repeatedly, with the goal of getting them pregnant quickly so they can provide a baby for the family. After giving birth, some are allowed to escape — but forced to leave their children behind.

There is evidence of similar patterns of bride migration and trafficking in Cambodia, North Korea, and Vietnam, and more may emerge from other countries bordering China. Importing women doesn’t solve the shortage — it spreads it.

“Nothing like this has happened in human history,” begins a lengthy WashingtonPost piece from last year on the vast male to female ratio that exists in China and India.

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4 Comments on The Left’s War on Women

  1. Several years ago in the Vancouver area, it was noticed that certain, shall we say, ethnic groups were aborting babies after an ultrasound disclosed that the baby was a girl. Girls were being aborted only because they were girls.

    There was never any criticism of the ethnic groups. The situation was addressed by prohibiting ultrasound technicians from disclosing the gender of the baby on the grounds that it was unprofessional for a technician to do so. It was not unprofessional for a doctor to perform the abortion, it was only unprofessional for the technician to disclose the gender which would make the mother want the abortion.

    So much for it being no business of anybody but the mother for why she wants an abortion.

  2. What makes it even more nefarious is that countries like China impose sex selection policies by design. China’s goal is to field and maintain a 100 million man army to enforce their revanchism (Taiwan, South China Sea) and to exert dominance and control on the rest of the world. Testosterone laden males with no families and no other purpose than to serve the state is exactly what they are looking for and working towards.

    The main culprit and promulgator of the war on women worldwide (as opposed to here in America where it’s only a war on conservative women)is Islam and all the nastiness that it entails. Women’s value, worth and esteem would be enhanced exponentially were all these Practitioners of the child rapist known as Muhammad were converted and civiled.


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