The Legend of Yule Cat – IOTW Report

The Legend of Yule Cat

No evil ogre family would be complete without an equally evil pet.

Every culture that celebrates Christmas has it’s own unique folklore surrounding the holidays. Here in the U.S., we have a fairly bright view of Christmas. Our cast of Christmas characters includes only benevolent creatures: Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, the elves at the North Pole, and the 8 magic reindeer. Other cultures also include evil characters. In Iceland, the Yule Cat is a creature feared by all.


5 Comments on The Legend of Yule Cat

  1. The Florida Keys has the Legend of the Bobcat…It roams the

    Bars and Saloons looking for Beer and Bourbon….If You don’t

    offer any…It sits down next to You and tells boring

    stories until You relent…Or EXPIRE!!!!!!(Add Dramatic Music)


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