The Lesson of New Coke – IOTW Report

The Lesson of New Coke

PatriotRetort: Some of you may not recall this, but about thirty years ago, Coca Cola decided to unveil a brand new formula for Coke. New Coke it was called.

They spent gobs of money marketing this new Coke – playing it up as if it was some revolutionary transformation of the Cola industry.

Long story short. After spending oodles of dollars, New Coke was a flop.


New Coke sucked. It was way too syrupy and far less bubbly than the old Coke.

Consumers didn’t want anything to do with it.

Soon, people were demanding that Coca Cola bring back their old, better Coke.

They did. They rereleased Coke as “Coca Cola Classic.”

Meanwhile, New Coke simply faded away.

The AP is reporting that Hillary Clinton’s campaign blew through fifty million dollars last month.

She flooded the airwaves in battleground states with a whopping 35,714 broadcast TV commercials — in August alone. That’s over eleven-hundred and fifty commercials a day.



13 Comments on The Lesson of New Coke

  1. The best part about this is that the generation that she is trying to sucker into voting for her are gonna leave her right at the last minute.

    Why, you ask?

    Because those very people are the precious snowflakes that have never ever had to experience “losing”, or being part of a “loss” in any way shape or form. They’ve always received a participation trophy and therefore have always self-deluded themselves into thinking they are part of the WINNING TEAM.

    Well, old habits die hard. TRUMP IS THE WINNING TEAM, now. And since they absolutely can’t live with the knowledge that they supported the losing team………

    “Generation Duh” sees the writing on the wall, people.

    Hillary sees it too.

  2. I think the New Coke analogy sucks.
    Because, the Coca-Cola Company had a great product in the beginning.
    And when the “new and improved” version failed, they were able to go back to it.
    Clinton, OTOH, has NEVER been a great product.
    Her past is a veritable encyclopedia of mammoth failures

  3. Since we are now in our regulatory phase of government intrusion there ought to be a regulation that old, tired and ugly politicians (named Hillary) running for office can’t use the public airways to disgust, upset and bother the body politic!

  4. Norman, I kinda mention that.

    It isn’t an analogy. I didn’t say “The Analogy of New Coke.” The lesson is about spending oodles of money on a crappy product and how that won’t make people like a crappy product.

  5. A bit of inside info: I was in upper management for Pepsi when New Coke was launched. The President of Coke was Roberto Goizeuta – a Cuban trained as a chemist who, until he was 35, spent most of his life outside the US. The VP of marketing was Mexican Sergio Zyman – self styled genius marketer and all around asshat (he later helped destroy JCPenny).

    Neither one of these guys had a clue what Coke meant to Americans.

    The early days of “globalism”

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