The LGBT Hostile Work Environment – IOTW Report

The LGBT Hostile Work Environment

American Thinker:

By Deborah C. Tyler

On May 31, 2022, President Biden delivered to the American people “A Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, And Intersex Pride Month 2022.”A presidential proclamation is a directive that grants to the chief executive of the United States certain powers of mandatory ceremony and observance.  The power of presidential proclamations is especially operative in enforcing mandatory observances in the federal military and civilian workplaces, as those are the domains over which the president holds direct constitutional authority.

Presidential proclamations generally have two purposes: to highlight an issue of importance to all Americans and to bring attention to the progress the president has made in advancing the issue.  The spirit of presidential proclamations tends to be affirmative and unifying.  For example, on the last day of his administration, President Trump delivered the “Proclamation on National Sanctity of Human Life Day,” January 18, 2021.  This uplifting document advances the universal sanctity of human life from conception to natural death and highlights the president’s accomplishments promoting that ideal in law and society.

Nowhere does President Trump vilify women who have had an abortion.  Given the tone and purpose of the proclamation, such an attack would have been unthinkable.  By contrast, the hatred that Biden bears against the American people oozes through the loosely woven fabric of his command for us to bestow special attention and approbation upon certain modes of sexual attraction and expression. more

15 Comments on The LGBT Hostile Work Environment

  1. I’m not interested in your sexuality (aka persuasion/perversions), no matter who you are. If you should choose to make it your primary personal identity, and insist that it be the first/primary subject of discussion at work or in public and demand affirmation you are a sick puppy.

  2. in my experience a very high percentage of the alphabet labeled employees are incompetent unprofessional bullies
    employers that put them into management positions are afraid to tell them no
    go woke go broke

  3. The community college my late wife worked for began initially voluntary sensitivity training that culminated in attendees signing a declaration of fealty to the lgbtg+ community. They were then presented with a very large window sticker announcing they were lgbtq+ allies, which was to be prominently displayed in their entry window.

    The message was clear. If you didn’t have the sticker, you were a hater and would be vilified and canceled by activist students, staff and faculty. You wouldn’t be promoted or given a raise and you would be edged out.

    Thankfully, my wife did not have to face that, though she saw the beginning of it. I spoke with one of her employees a couple of weeks ago and was told that enrollment numbers at the school were half what they were when she passed away. Go woke, go broke.

  4. I really don’t care if you identify as LGBTQ, but it doesn’t grant you and special consideration for anything.
    If you identify as +, you should be castrated and shot.

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