The Liberals Who Can’t Quit the Covid Lockdown – IOTW Report

The Liberals Who Can’t Quit the Covid Lockdown


We all know the Left thinks COVID is the worst thing to happen to humanity since the Black Death. It’s not—but they’re certainly taking EVERYTHING Fauci, CNN, MSNBC, and the panic peddlers say as gospel. To follow the science, they’ve become anti-science. And now even the liberal media is starting to notice their fetish for the COVID lockdown protocols. Right now, cancer is projected to kill more Americans this year than COVID. It has a 90 percent survivability rate. We have three vaccines. There was no fourth wave. Texas reopened weeks ago—no masks, no spikes. It’s safe to reopen schools. The science backs this up. And yet, for some in liberal la la land—keep the lockdowns going. For those progressives who are merely trying to inject some science into the discussion and want timelines to end mask mandates, mayhem ensues. MORE

12 Comments on The Liberals Who Can’t Quit the Covid Lockdown

  1. It makes them feel they are part of a team… or something. The empty souls are nothing if not pathetic. Goddamned losers had something that they could participate in that took no talent, determination, effort or dedication and get recognition as a star player. The worthless pieces of shit are getting recognition each and every time the television or radio comes on with another insipid damn PSA about masks, vaccines or Jimmy cracked corn and I don’t care.

  2. This whole flu is overblown hysteria so it stands to reason that democrats would be quick to get onboard and ride it to death. The herd mentality is first and foremost with these simple minded vermin.

  3. Texas supposedly opened up, yet you still can’t enter a lot of businesses without a mask.
    I try like hell not to go into such establishments, but some of them are necessary facilities, like medical offices, etc.
    You’d think they’d know better.

  4. The author hit the nail on the head in the first few paragraphs: it’s Trump derangement syndrome. Whatever Trump said, they go the opposite. All the way to the grave if necessary.

  5. When a liberal lives a pointless, vacuous existence they will need something to make them feel important. Wearing a mask makes them feel like a small part of helping humanity, thereby giving purpose to the purposeless. Continuing to wear a mask is a form of virtue signaling. They feel like they have some sort of special inside knowledge that makes them better than others if they continue to believe a mask is necessary. Criticizing someone for not wearing a mask makes them feel morally superior the other person. Arguing back only makes them feel even more like their intellect and knowledge is greater.

  6. When they approach you with their insane rant, ask them if they need a hug, open your arms and move toward them. They will turn and run as far away as possible. Problem solved.

  7. Sadly, I’ve noticed a lot of teens, especially when they are walking down the street, all alone, wearing the damn masks. I think a lot of them have low self-esteem and like wearing masks. That being said, years from now we’ll still see kids and young adults wearing them because they feel more secure and can always use the excuse it’s for prevention.


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