The List Gets Longer: All The Ways Hillary & The Government Spied On Trump – IOTW Report

The List Gets Longer: All The Ways Hillary & The Government Spied On Trump

Daily Caller: It took years for former President Donald Trump to shake off now-discredited claims of collusion with Russia, but that difficulty comes as no surprise given the continuing revelations of just how sophisticated the attempt to connect him to the Kremlin was.

The first attempt to spy on the Trump campaign came from the FBI in the form of the Steele Dossier, a bogus document purporting to show Trump’s connection with Russia that the FBI used as an excuse to justify spying on Trump’s campaign. In the years since, however, Special Counsel John Durham’s probe has uncovered multiple avenues that Hillary Clinton’s campaign used to spy on Trump both before and after he entered office in an attempt to pin him on Russia Collusion.

A Friday filing from Durham alleges that the Clinton campaign hired a tech firm run by one Rodney Joffe to “infiltrate” private servers that were kept at Trump Tower and later at the White House. The goal of the infiltration was to dig up any information that might assist in linking the Trump campaign to the Kremlin, a task a two-year investigation from Special Counsel Robert Mueller would ultimately fail to do. read more

Also: If I Had Spied on Hillary, They Would’ve Put Me in Electric Chair, Says Trump

21 Comments on The List Gets Longer: All The Ways Hillary & The Government Spied On Trump

  1. I care less about Hillary’s crimes than Pedo’s.

    Hillary’s crimes didn’t pay off.

    Pedo’s did.

    …let’s deal with the treason that’s doing the MOST damage FIRST, then “circle back” to hang THESE bastards beside his rotting corpse later…

  2. President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton’s sober side of her brain pan is telling her to keep quite about this legal minefield. Around eleven o’clock Chappaqua time, the Chardonnay glugging will start to take over, and around five or six this evening, her legal handlers will have to restrain her from making a statement proclaiming her complete innocence. She will offer to clear up any misconceptions, and offer to testify before any legal forum that doesn’t require a deposition or a video of her lying about this mess. An interview with Lesley Stahl on 60 Minutes is being scheduled.

  3. Does anyone truly believe there will be any consequences for Hillary or Obama? At some point, some lower level flunky will fall on their sword and take the blame. They will go to a country club prison while their family quietly gets a couple of million dollars to keep quiet. That’s the way things work for people with a (D) behind their name

  4. whatever you believe will or won’t happen, be prepared
    there will be incoming false flags to direct attention away from the truth
    remember the freedom truckers heading to DC will further affect the supply chain

  5. Time to get Mr Sparky out of retirement – it was good enough for the Rosenbergs.

    I know. I know. I’m dreaming of a world with the punishment fits the crime.

  6. “Hillary’s crimes didn’t pay off.” -SNS

    Remember, she does have the additional expense of paying many people huge sums of money to remove ____ number of individuals from the planet and keep ____ number more quiet, including politicians, the media, corporate leaders, police agencies, the FBI, CIA, etc. This has reduced her rate of return. But she’s a savvy business women and she knows how to deal with her competition – with death and threats of death and even threats of death threats.

    (Please fill in the blanks with appropriate numerical values. Suggested starting values of at least three digits.)

  7. Someone is squealing like a future disbarred lawyer about now. Who is going to be the John Dean in this legal catastrophe? Consider this, Squealer Number One has a beautiful wife and three great kids who look up to him. The children are all in expensive colleges, and the daughter is probably going to get married next year. The multimillion dollar home in Fairfax, Virginia has a million dollars in equity, and he’s managed to save two million dollars that is invested in very conservative stocks and bonds. His parents are very proud of his many accomplishments and have retired to Florida in a condominium that he bought them. Now, Special Counsel John Durham’s investigators are offering him a deal. Six months in a Federal Wine and Cheese Pairing Facility, or financial ruin trying to defending against an airtight case, with a ten year stretch in a terrible Federal Prison if you want to keep President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton out of treasonous trouble. Other co-conspirators are rumored to be wavering about now. What would you decide to do? Squeal away!

  8. Burr, you’re correct in a manner of speaking. An ideological Rodham foremother killed him and Dorothy Kilgallen.

    Hillary’s NWO ancestors have been at this for a long time.

  9. General Malaise FEBRUARY 15, 2022 AT 1:17 PM

    …not saying Hillary doesn’t get a date with a rope eventually.

    Just saying that, in triage, if the patient is in arrest, bleeding wounds are irrelevant until you get the heart working again.

    Justice will never be served on Hillary as long as Democrats are in charge of it.


  10. @Marco February 15, 2022 at 1:48 pm

    > What would you decide to do?

    Why!? Whatever proves The Party was Good(TM)! All along.

    Whatever proves The System worked! All along.

    Whatever proves COVID… and FISA… and false flags were Good(TM), and True(TM), and Patriotism(TM)! All along!

    > Squeal away!

    But not too loud. Party apologist piggies need their beauty sleeps.

  11. Papers filed in court say nothing new & also made no new claims. Gotta love all the conspiracy theories & this is just another one of em, it will go nowhere because it’s nothing new.

  12. ^^^Anonymous, for somebody who’s so certain that all of this Durham/ lHillary stuff is going nowhere, you seem obsessed enough to pop up in every thread which discusses it, usually projecting her crimes onto President Trump. I get it…You’re anxious and irritated that this unfair stuff is happening to your queen. Maybe every time you come here and find yet another calumny against aunt Hillary, you should let it slide and go smoke a cigarette.


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