The Lockdowns Were Unconstitutional, Says Federal Judge – IOTW Report

The Lockdowns Were Unconstitutional, Says Federal Judge

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolfe has some ‘splaining to do.

16 Comments on The Lockdowns Were Unconstitutional, Says Federal Judge

  1. Tim Eyeman is leading the charge against Gov. Jay Inslee here in Washington State. Here’s what is on the agenda for tomorrow:

    “Join us tomorrow in Olympia at Thurston County Superior Court @ 2000 Lakeridge Dr SW, Bldg 2 (Fri, Sept 25, 8am press conference, after that, we’ll go inside for 9am court hearing):

    Thurs, Sept 24, 2020

    Without a single public hearing, without a single legislative vote, Inslee has unilaterally imposed over 500 emergency proclamations.

    One-man-rule is not the system of government the people want or expect.

    For the past six months, the checks and balances of representative democracy have been suspended.

    6 months.

    And there’s every indication that Inslee will never relinquish that unilateral decision-making power.

    That’s why this lawsuit is so incredibly important.

    I am very proud of our team. Stephen Pidgeon is a brilliant attorney and we’re lucky to have him spearheading this historic effort. Clint, Rowan, Dean, and Lisa are total rock stars for having the courage and commitment to challenge Inslee’s endless emergency proclamations.

    I ask you to join us tomorrow. Let’s pack the courtroom and send a message to this judge that the citizens of Washington want nothing less than this:

    From that ruling:

    Reason for optimism: even the most liberal judge in Thurston County recently ruled that Inslee “exceeded his constitutional authority”:

    Attorney Stephen Pidgeon has done an amazing job — please donate to this legal fund so he’s paid for his Herculean efforts. Donate by credit card through GoFundMe:
    (IMPORTANT: when using GoFundMe, it asks for a 10% tip — you can set it to “Other” and enter 0% if you’d prefer).”

    Pray for our efforts tomorrow. Unfortunately I won’t be there.

  2. So where are the arrests for violating our constitutional rights??? Wishful thinking on my part, zip, nada just like other investigations with network political connections. You can’t touch that, not going there, too politically flammable for chicken chit leaders.

  3. I have a dumb question. Why when DEMONRATS file a lawsuit and win the judgement goes nationwide. But when republicans file a lawsuit it only applies to that state or district.


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