The Loneliest Campaign – IOTW Report

The Loneliest Campaign

Patriot Retort: Earlier this week, I referred to Biden’s 2020 run as “The Lifeless campaign of Joseph Robinette Biden.”  But his campaign isn’t just lifeless.  He’s also running the loneliest campaign in the history of the country.

If it wasn’t for the pool of reporters, the army of babysitters campaign staffers, and secret service agents, old Joe would be out there all alone muttering his incomprehensible speeches into the void.

And, let’s be honest, the optics are horrendous.

Both major party Presidential candidates held a campaign event in Michigan this week.

Here’s a shot of Joe’s campaign event from Wednesday: MORE

13 Comments on The Loneliest Campaign

  1. Dianny writes:

    Nobody’s inspired enough to write hymns of praise to old Joe.
    Hell, I doubt Joe Biden could even inspire a dirty limerick.


    “Oh, yum!” said old Joe to the girls
    As he buried his nose in their curls.
    Of his sin, though, the wage
    was demented old age,
    and dim dreams of a necklace of pearls.

  2. So pathetic.

    It makes the insanity of untouchable Hillary walking within a roped off area look sane, as she campaigned ‘amongst’ the deplorables.

    But she didn’t have fauxCOVID, as an excuse. She, like Nancy, is a fully an elitist bitch and not afraid to show it.


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