The loss of “Luna-25” may lead to reshuffling in “Roskosmos” – IOTW Report

The loss of “Luna-25” may lead to reshuffling in “Roskosmos”

IZ: The loss of Luna-25 could provoke a reshuffle at Roskosmos. This was reported by Izvestia’s sources on condition of anonymity. According to them, this will affect both high-ranking functionaries and performers – scientists and programmers who served the launch.

In particular, Alexander Ivanov, the first deputy general director of Roskosmos for the development of the orbital constellation and promising projects, may bear responsibility for what happened, sources say.

“He oversees the entire technical part of Roskosmos and, as head of the state commission for the launch of Luna-25, signed the final protocol on readiness,” said one of Izvestia’s interlocutors. more here

8 Comments on The loss of “Luna-25” may lead to reshuffling in “Roskosmos”

  1. The loss of “Luna-25” may lead to reshuffling in “Roskosmos”

    As it should.

    Jettison the politically-connected and hire some competence.
    They could probably get some ex-NASA straight white guys …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. They’re lunatics for keeping the “Luna” naming system. It’s old, lame and bad luck now. It reeks of Soviet era bureaucracy.

    Is this relevant?

    No. Ploho! 🤣

  3. Accountability. What a weird concept. Haven’t seen that here in years. I can think of a few US govt agencies and a couple of pharmaceutical companies which could use a heaping helping of it.

    And how did the Russians even get anywhere near the moon, anyway? I was assured that their nation was crippled by Western sanctions.


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