The Loudoun County Father Arrested at a School Board Meeting Is Cleared of Charges – IOTW Report

The Loudoun County Father Arrested at a School Board Meeting Is Cleared of Charges

PJM: As Kruiser is fond of saying, “Everything isn’t awful.” Granted, at the moment, most things are, including the current soap opera known as the election of the Speaker of the House. But you can wash your eyes out with this story.

You may recall a man by the name of Jon Tigges. Tigges is a resident of Loudoun County, Virginia. On June 22, 2021, Tigges went to a meeting of the Loudoun County School Board, which as you may also recall, was having its feet held to the fire by angry parents and community members over a host of issues. Tigges was on hand to voice his opposition to the district’s transgender policies.

Because the crowd was deemed to be “unruly,” Chairwoman Brenda Sheridan paused the meeting, according to Loudoun Now. The attendees voiced their displeasure, and the former superintendent Scott Ziegler (currently under indictment) ordered everyone to clear the room. Tigges refused and was arrested for trespassing. He was found guilty of the charge. He was also barred from all district properties. more

8 Comments on The Loudoun County Father Arrested at a School Board Meeting Is Cleared of Charges

  1. Badco,
    Sue them PERSONALLY.
    Don’t sue the school board. Any money coming from that will come from the taxpayers.

  2. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
    JANUARY 6, 2023 AT 12:41 PM
    Sue them PERSONALLY.”

    …you can, and should, but odds are that they have some form of Officer’s (as in “corporate” officer, not LEO) and Executive’s Insurance, also paid for by the taxpayers.

    Also, friendly Government judges to toss the suits or at least cap the damages to below the policy limits.

    But asking the Government to punish the Government for doing what the Government says to do is a bit like tilting at windmills. You may get an award, but you’ll never live to collect it.

    See David Gibson of Gibson’s Bakery for further details.

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