The lunch police – IOTW Report

The lunch police


School lunchbox police confiscate ‘unhealthy’ foods, send home lecturing notes to parents.

PERTH, Australia – Parents in Western Australia are complaining after lunchbox police in several schools confiscated food from students and replaced it with a condescending note to parents.

Parents are sounding off on social media about a “traffic light policy” implemented at many primary schools that encourages teachers to rummage through students’ food from home and determine what’s “appropriate” for them to eat, WAToday reports.


12 Comments on The lunch police

  1. Looks like most of what they are recommending are processed carbs that quickly convert to sugar once eaten. Laughable that someone with little or no nutrition education is preaching nutrition to parents. I hope the parents push back hard on this junk science. Guess the “Staff Team” have to use those Environmental and Women’s Studies degrees somehow, someway … at their Kindy jobs.

    Here is my reply: “Dear Staff Team, The next one of you who digs through my child’s lunch bag is just asking for it. Keep your mitts off my kid’s food. As his/her parent, I know more about my child’s food preferences and nutritional needs better than you and care infinitely more about their health! Signed: The Family Team”

  2. But, but, Hillary, a renowned expert, says it takes village to raise your children.
    It appears the Australian public schools suffer from socialist, politically correct educators, too.

  3. Oz has gone pretty far Left. They’ve allowed themselves to be disarmed nationally like the Brits. Like the Brits, all the political choices are just differing degrees of Left.

    The suggested foods are what a female low-energy Strict Vegan thinks is “healthy”.
    Completely lacking in Protein for growing
    Perfect for raising obedient, timid little Eloi.

    Totally aside from the personal-property issues. The Leftist State owns all your children. Parents are permitted/required to house and feed them, for now.
    Until they get the Children’s Barracks Compound built.

  4. I wonder how many of these lunch police hags are fat themselves. Maybe the parents should storm the teachers lounge and throw out all of the sugar laden junk food those land whales shovel into their maws.

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