The Machines Must Go. Early Voting Must end. – IOTW Report

The Machines Must Go. Early Voting Must end.

h/t Doc.

21 Comments on The Machines Must Go. Early Voting Must end.

  1. The Democrats won’t have to cheat this time. Your graphic says it all. Neither side will vote for the guy who survives the primary, and lockstep Democrats will easily sweep aside the halved opposition.

  2. “Biden or one of his doubles, will be reelected.”

    He wasn’t “elected” so how can he be re-elected?

    Sooner or later, America will tire of this shit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Military history(Im a history fan.
    Was always #1 because history is fun to me.)

    Karl der Gross (1st leader of the First Reich 1,580 years ago) called what the guys are using “Zwei Hander – 2 hands). My Scotch ancestors called ’em Claymores 700 years ago.

    For decades I said the huns stole our weapon. Then it dawned on me. First Reich was almost 700years before we had claymores! We stole from them!
    but neither is a match for Goliath with the tree!
    If they teamed and attacked from front – Don, back Ron they may – I say may- kill him!
    Only GWB’s DOMINION _no Shadow -knows for sure.

  4. “There! There is the Enemy!”

    Captain whatshisname at Balaclava.

    Totalitarianism is single-minded (duh).
    Freedom-loving people love freedom – and all the messiness that entails.
    Only upon the direst extreme will they perceive their danger and unite accordingly.

    Yeah, it’s kind of stupid, but there it is.
    (oh, on a side note: the good guys don’t always win)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The sure way to genuine voting is;

    Dip your thumb in the ink well

    Cast your vote on a single piece of paper

    Tally the votes in short order

    If it takes more than 12 hours to count the votes….

    FRAUD is in control of voting

  6. This meme is so spot on.
    That’s the great thing about memes.
    One single image can convey reality better than any pundit or commentary.
    The battle is only just beginning…
    Gonna get really bad.
    Worse than anyone can predict.
    Really ugly shit coming this way…

  7. Tim

    Gen Leeune 100 years ago said”No more illiterate marines” Those “Grandfathered in” can stay but promotions will require a written test. My typing may indicate illiteracy but I can read.

    Yes Im interested’

    Titles please.

    Thanks from an ol “Grunt”!

    Merci boocoo, danka

  8. “And the criminals/traitors must live out their lives in Gitmo.” Better yet, end up swinging at the end of a rope…

  9. jarhead,

    “Combat in Norway and Finland”
    “One Bullet Away – the making of a Marine Officer”
    “The Battle of Bellewaarde, June 1915”
    “Military Blunders”
    “The Anvil of War”
    “Fighting in Hell”
    “Stalingrad” (Beevor)
    “When Titans Clashed”
    “Stalingrad” (Glantz and House)

    There’s a start.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Tim

    Jarhead officers are THE BEST! My co had 4 skippers; my platoon had 4 leaders. They lead from the front; and gave their lives! A young “Buck” Sgt got to be Platoon leader twice because the Lt. was killed. once lead a platoon of 11, counting me.
    I have total respect for men that lead from the front; and die because they were LEADERS!

    So yes please start with “One Bullett Away. -”


    an ol exJarhead, I deleted your address so no one will dox you. I still have it, so Tim – FJB, I will email it to you. – Claudia

  11. Sure, hand count we should have the results in a couple of years.
    With early voting we have to be there way too many days intimiding voters, we one just one day so we can all gang up.
    Mail-in votes should end too, cause we say so.


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