The Madness of President Asterisk – IOTW Report

The Madness of President Asterisk

Patriot Retort:
After Joe Biden’s inauguration, instead of referring to Biden as “President Biden,” Kurt Schlichter began using an asterisk – as in “President *.”

It makes me chuckle.

Truth is, I had planned to use an asterisk as well – namely President* Biden.

But when Schlichter went the asterisk route, I decided it would be rude to do the same thing. So I went with a superscripted laughing emoji instead – as in President🤣 Biden.

Because you have to admit, it is kind of funny that Joe Biden actually thinks he’s the President of the United States.

Kurt’s asterisk is there to convey the doubt surrounding the legitimacy of Biden’s election.

My superscripted laughing emoji is there to convey, not just how hilariously unlikely it is that this old soup-for-brains doofus got over 80 million votes, but also how laughable it is that Joe Biden believes he is actually President and Commander-in-Chief.

I think the only person who isn’t aware that President Laughing Emoji Asterisk is President-in-Name-Only is President🤣 * himself.

Yesterday it was reported that, in the last one hundred years, old Laughing Emoji Asterisk has gone the longest without a press conference. It’s been 43 days, and Joe still has not stood at the podium and taken questions from reporters. read more

17 Comments on The Madness of President Asterisk

  1. Oopsie! You must’ve snagged that image before I spotted the misspelling for “consensus” in the credits. I fixed it about an hour ago. Ah well. That’ll teach me not to be more diligent in my proofreading.

  2. I also like the apostrophe route.


    Why is anyone interested in asking ole Joe questions he can’t answer anyhow? You can ask what kind of ice cream he likes only so many times. Oh, and what socks he’s wearing.

  3. Who remembers my obummer name list? I collected two pages worth over the years. I started a new list:
    Slow Joe and the Heels-Up Ho
    Beijing☭Biden (h/t Pamella Geller)
    The Commander in Thief
    The Commander-N-Cheat
    Pedo Joe
    pResident Joe
    pResident Plugs
    The White House – world’s most expensive and secure assisted living facility.
    His Fraudulency (h/t – John Nolte)
    Joe Bama
    the Asterisk Administration
    Raggedy Uhmm
    Pretendident Buck Fiden
    The Current White House Occupant
    SS Bidanic
    Joe Chi Minh (h/t –
    cognitively disconnected pretend president (h/t – Sundance)

  4. He doesn’t even realize he sleeps in the WH. *President could also just be Resident Biden.
    Kommiela stands behind him like a vulture.

    That would be a nice photoshop. Kommiela as a vulture.

  5. I like all the names – ridicule is a very potent weapon. It conveys lack of respect and credibility. Neither of which Resident Beideng has, from ANYBODY, including his own party.

    25th amendment to be invoked within six months.

  6. Joe the Usurper should be roundly ignored.
    His lack of cogency will keep him out of the public eye and allow the puppet-masters to perform their legerdemain.

    When we’ve had enough lies, stolen elections, usurpations, deceits, prevarications, and arrogant treasons we’ll hang the lot of them. I have no idea how much we’re willing to swallow.

    “A country has a lot of ruin in it.” wrote some dead white dude and now we’ll find out just how much America has.

    izlamo delenda est …

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