The Mainstream Media Are Dying of Self-Inflicted Wounds – IOTW Report

The Mainstream Media Are Dying of Self-Inflicted Wounds

American Conservative:

Is American Journalism Headed Toward an ‘Extinction-Level Event’?” asks an Atlantic headline. The numbers are deadly. The grimmest news was from the Los Angeles Times, the biggest newspaper outside the East Coast. The paper announced it was cutting 115 people, more than 20 percent of its newsroom. In June of last year, the Times dropped 74 people. Some 2,900 newspapers have closed or merged since 2005.

Sports Illustrated is in trouble. The Washington Post, NBC News, ABC News, CNN, NPR, Vice, Vox, and BuzzFeed, among others, have shed hundreds of journalists over the past year. (The author of the Atlantic article himself was a layoff from the Post.) Job losses among print, digital, and broadcast-news organizations grew by nearly 50 percent during 2023. more here

23 Comments on The Mainstream Media Are Dying of Self-Inflicted Wounds

  1. Truth goes a loooooong way!
    The MSM has gone from reporting vetted news (from at lease three sources) to shaping the news, to fabricating the “news”, to Opinion, to dropping the term “Opinion” and moving to outright lying propaganda!

    Is it any wonder I call them the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media!

  2. The commie controlled MSM is so predictable there’s no sense paying to read what we already know they’re going to say. Every issue is reported with predictable bias, narrative, and agenda. All too often they slant with same left wing favoring misinformation. They would rather lie and die than become objective and honest.

  3. As paid propaganda organs of the state they ought be better able to obscure their dismal financial status, or at least make demands on their master for credible funding to prop up their end of the charade.

    One really has no need for twenty outlets spewing the same state approved narrative, one or at most two ought suffice.

  4. Rush used to play all the MSM shills parroting the narrative of the day, all using the exact same buzz words and phrasing. It was quite eye opening. My local Gannett newspaper is down to a skeleton crew like most of their subsidiaries.

  5. Frank knew!!
    I am gross and perverted
    I’m obsessed and deranged
    I have existed for years
    But very little has changed
    I’m the tool of the Government
    And industry too
    For I am destined to rule
    And regulate you
    I may be vile and pernicious
    But you can’t look away
    I make you think I’m delicious
    With the stuff that I say
    I’m the best you can get
    Have you guessed me yet?
    I’m the slime oozin’ out
    From your TV set
    You will obey me while I lead you
    And eat the garbage that I feed you
    Until the day that we don’t need you
    Don’t go for help, no one will heed you
    Your mind is totally controlled
    It has been stuffed into my mold
    And you will do as you are told
    Until the rights to you are sold
    That’s right, folks
    Don’t touch that dial
    Well, I am the slime from your video
    Oozin’ along on your livin’ room floor

  6. It’s neither a “loss” nor a “surprise”, but rather the foreseeable result of a “culture”, and as they tell us constantly, “we must respect their culture.”

    “…dies, not with a bang, but with a whimper.”

  7. I started to read an article this morning, and about 1/3 through, I stopped and questioned, “Who is writing this crap?”

    It wasn’t the content, it was the actual English language massacre that hurt my heart! I’ve read 3rd grade essays written better than that!

    So, where was this article published? Breitbart!

    I believe most articles are now written by AI. Seriously.

  8. Aw bless your poor Trumptard minds. We always knew all along that you believed just how important we are & how insignificant a little piss ant like tRump is. He is justa wannabe dictraitor modeled after goons like Kimmie, Xi & of course his bareback riding teacher Putin. Giddy up cowgurl as Vlad slaps his naked ass for another ride out of his stable of gayboys.

  9. I bought a “local” Sunday paper for the first time in years because I needed an obituary out of it for work purposes. Years ago when it was truly local and had competition and actual editors, it actually lived up to its publisher Scripps motto that went with their lighthouse logo, “Give light and the people will find their own way.”.

    They long since sold to Gannett, the parent of USA Today. All the local papers did.

    And extinguished that light.

    They fired all the reporters and editors and made them interview to get their jobs back, hiring only liberals from there. I commented for years on their Web site, only to get unceremoniously kicked off along with everyone else who wouldn’t Fakebook register. The paper got physically smaller and printed in New York, and it was all downhill from there.

    So I looked at the rest of the paper.

    After I pulled the ads off that were folded over in such a way to obscure 2/3rds of the paper, I was able to see the front page.

    With the world going to hell, Democrats flagrantly violating the law so they could persecute potential political rivals, and a city and nation filled with stabbings and shootings by Blacks and Browns, the front page, above the fold, under the masthead stories were about neighbors complaining about loud concert venues and property tax increases.

    With a blurb promoting a wood-fired pizza joint featured in the “Arts And Leisure” section.

    That’s it.

    No Ukrane, no Hamas, no naval vessels engaged in shooting million dollar rockets at hundred dollar drones; nothing about cities being subsumed by disease infested and possibly terrorist gang member illegals; nothing on children being kidnapped by police in neighboring Indiana because their parent’s Roman Catholic beliefs don’t accept the Trans agenda; no, none of that.

    Just taxes and concert noise.

    The closest to “news” it came was in the editorial section. Seems Concinnati decided to drop school-age kids from urban schools off in the heart of downtown, where instead of taking the next bus home they chose to go marauding. To which, instead of condemning the marauders, they quoted “community activist” Iris Roley as stating, “The immediate need is to interrupt and prevent any more violence and let our young people know there are resources available for them”. Another story in the same section tries to claim the city is safe and don’t believe your lying eyes when you see the beatings in the videos, which it vilified the police for posting.

    Everything was in the liberal mode there, no surprise.

    The only other section I even bothered with was the comics. Lots of White males not understanding technology, old White males being clueless and kinda hateful, and a couple of strips like “Jump Start” featuring warm, loving Black families.

    But no actual humor.

    Too dangerous in The Current Year.

    Well worth the $5 they stuck me for this, nicht war?

    Speaking of which, they stuck us $500 U.S for a few line obituary, and a picture was $750.00.

    In a paper otherwise filled with meaningless garbage and liberal pap by people not from around here.

    Been this way for awhile, tho.

    Journalism has been dead at least since the Clintons, if not the Kennedys.

    Anything that still makes its rotting, flyblown corpse look otherwise is simply myoclonic jerking.

  10. SNS is exactly right. The Daytona Beach News-Journal used to be owned by a local family, sold to USA Today several years ago. Almost all of their staff was laid off, I think they now have only a couple of “reporters” covering local stories.

  11. SNS – And extinguished that light.
    And so we enter the Thousand Years of Darkness.

    BTW, I have pictures of the old Scripps Howard light in Cleveland from the 30s It was originally used as a Landing beacon for aircraft.


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