The many pained expressions of Chris Christie – IOTW Report

The many pained expressions of Chris Christie

christie looking at trump strangely

Wapo: The Fix — and it seems much of Twitter — could not help but notice that Chris Christie showed up in Florida at Donald Trump’s faux Versailles — er, we mean Mar-a-Lago — and had some difficulties.

Technically, he was there to introduce a victorious Trump. Trump was prepared to talk about his big Super Tuesday wins — for a long time. Christie was less prepared to be standing behind Trump the entire time.

Christie, of course, dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Trump when his own campaign fell apart early last month. And, well, it’s not completely clear he has made peace with that.

First, behold Christie.

18 Comments on The many pained expressions of Chris Christie

  1. “Trump’s faux Versailles …”
    as opposed to
    “Kay Graham’s faux Royal ass and Versailles?”
    (I know she’s dead, but REALLY … all those maggots genuflected when entering her presence)

  2. This is a hit piece with no substance.

    Some people are physically uncomfortable and perhaps even in pain when standing for a long time without being able to shift their weight. If he shifted his weight a few times, the Cruz – Rubio coalition hit men would have had something to say.

    Also, have any of you had to stand by someone giving a speech without having a prop? Probably not. It’s not easy unless you are young and in the service.

  3. Christie is just now coming to terms with what he has done. Kind of like Rubio and the Gang of Eight. If he wasn’t done before, he is now. Doesn’t matter what Trump promised him or if he gets it. He will forever be Trump’s lapdog. Poor Chrissie.

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