The media-created Trump doesn’t exist – IOTW Report

The media-created Trump doesn’t exist


Patriot Retort: Yesterday in my post about Bette Midler’s latest meltdown I wrote:

The Donald Trump monster that she envisions is a figment of her own over-indulged imagination.

He isn’t real.

This is an idea I’ve touched on several times over the last couple of years.

There is the real Donald Trump.

And then there’s the media-created Trump.

The media-created Trump is a cruel, heartless homophobic, racist white supremacist anti-Semite who wants to put people into camps and get us into a nuclear war.

He is both a mentally ill buffoon and a diabolical genius.

The media-created Trump has such amazing extemporaneous acumen, he can pepper his off-the-cuff rally speeches with “coded language” to incite his frothing-at-the-mouth racist followers to commit genocide and acts of terror.

The media-created Trump is both a mindless puppet of Vladimir Putin and the great mastermind behind Russia’s attempt to take over the White House.

This media-created Trump isn’t just awful – he is evil.  more here

11 Comments on The media-created Trump doesn’t exist

  1. She Who Must Be Obeyed & I were discussing this same subject this morning. she mentioned the very people that loved Trump 3 years ago are frothing mad over him actually breathing air the rest of the world has more right to be breathing.

    it dawned on me that Trump has become Emmanuel Goldstein to the Oligarch’s Oceania … no matter what he does for the economy, the country, world peace, etc. everything wrong in the world is Goldstein’s Trump’s fault. ‘The Brotherhood’ doesn’t really exist, they just want you to believe that it does. we can already see the trend of ‘Newspeak’

    … they are pushing very, very hard to achieve their ‘paradise’ on earth … they can feel it, taste it … FIGHT BACK!

  2. Driving into Key West his Morning…I noticed someone had placed

    a “Impeach” Decal above the 45 MPH Sign…I laughed, and thought it

    quite clever….That’s the difference between Us and Them…

    We can laugh and appreciate a little Humor…

    They have to check in with the Mutha Ship first.

    (Just got internet back after 4 Days !!!!!)

  3. If conservatives prevail in the upcoming election there will be violence from the left. If conservatives go down in flames there will be violence because the left has been emboldened and they think anything white needs to be killed. They’ve told us so. We have not totally identified our enemy yet. But I imagine the day after they will become very evident. If you live in a populated area, I would start considering self defense and survival.

  4. Dianny — This is a really good piece and something that I don’t think anyone has really articulated well (or at all) in a straight forward manner.

    But it’s not just the media who have fabricated a Trump to fit their psychosis. There were and still are a number of people sharing our conservative foxhole who tried and are trying their level best to convince others that Trump is either clinically insane or mentally deficient. Some of the early accusers are having a hard time walking back, or making a convincing “evolution” from their campaign days’ attacks. And worse, some are still imagining they were right all along.

    Things like this: ” …Donald Trump will either be subdued and low-key or manic and insane depending on whether or not he takes his meds beforehand.”

    How does someone go from saying/writing things like that to convincing others that they were flatly wrong in the first place. What is it about the unchanging Trump that now convinces them of their error and what has changed in their perceptions? Or was it political snow blindness and can it happen again over other candidates? Is truth being served or is something else on the menu for these people. I’d like to better understand these dynamics.

  5. Dianny — I’m sure to cause a real dust up with this, but I’m going to be a lot more direct now. Seriously, I am going to claim being under the influence — something I haven’t used as an excuse since (also) seriously claiming the Lord, Jesus Christ as my redeemer. However, today I just underwent another surgery for cancer and after twelve hours of pre-op/full sedation (as on a ventilator) surgery/recovery and pain killers I think I can sincerely claim an altered (and perhaps less diplomatic) state of mind.

    For many months (years now), I have read many many posts here at from people who made life for Trump supporters a living hell, a virtual nightmare existence, made more deflating and depressing *because* their reasons for bashing us had nothing to do with facts and everything to do with establishment politics. Everything they espoused to be rooted in “true” conservative values was jettisoned in service to their very real tone-deafness and disregard for the absolute truth (not the “truth” as they saw it).

    And how did it come to pass that, literally, they were Trump supporter haters one day and virtuous, Trump supporters themselves the next day? An utterly impossible feat even for those who are now #WalkAway adherents, who at least are honest about their mostly gradual transitions.

    Well, I’m pretty sure I know how that miracle was achieved. It came to pass in that way because to do otherwise would involve some form of acknowledgement; first, to admit not just mere human infallibility, but outright, sycophantic, devoid-of-all-analysis, willfully blind devotion to a political personality; and secondly, an humbling act of contrition in the form of a sincere APOLOGY to those who were so viciously attacked and so completely wronged.

    There are a lot of bloggers and media personalities who joked and laughed and ingratiated themselves to those of us who took the incredible character assassination straight to the teeth for more months than anyone of us wants to recall. You all got a big pass. People like Levin, Beck, Graham, McConnell are one thing. Few of us expect these big name media and congress types to not shrug off their wrongs in the name of “well, that’s just politics.” But they’re not “family,” they’re not people whose opinions we read every day, whose interests, hobbies, insights and experiences we relate to, champion, challenge and discuss in the comments threads. And don’t forget prayer, encouragement, consolation, and financial support. Those things, too.

    So, when back in the thick of things in 2016, when I read this from someone whose insight and judgement I held in regard as “family”, as someone I thought understood the tenets of a freedom-of-thought, I’m falsely accused of acting like a freakin’ bot, a “subhuman” thing, I think I deserve an apology and at least a stab at some sort of explanation from you before I’m expected to agree with anything else you ever have to say henceforth. I know you would expect no less if the shoe was on the other foot.

    “can’t count the number of times I have asked my friends, how can this man be good when this is the kind of vicious, subhuman, thuggish people he attracts? The Trump Cult of Personality is populated by people who are just as vile and hate-filled as their cousins on the Left.

    And like their cousins on the Left, they are delighting in successfully ruining a young woman’s life all for the sake of their Tangerine Tyrant.”

    How did you get it so wrong, Dianny? Is your support for Trump really real now or does it come with a caveat for another sudden change depending on whether or not he meets (many) former Trump-, and Trump-supporter-bashers’ unrealistic expectations of conservative idealism?

    I’m not angry with you. I’d simply like to bring to light this incredibly dysfunctional dynamic that no one has ever brought up before. We all want a united party; one that agrees we need more like us in politics and, this election especially, in the congress. But there’s an old saying that I think is true: “things that end badly, never end.” We need to bury the hatchet, that’s true, but I don’t want to find it buried in my back again — ever.


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