“The media have been brilliant. We have to give the devil his due.” – IOTW Report

“The media have been brilliant. We have to give the devil his due.”

“Militant” Tennessee Democrats want their own representative out.

Rep. John Deberry Jr. says the Democrats in his state wanted him gone, because his views on faith and law didn’t “uphold the banners of a Democrat.”
The half-hour interview begins at the 16 minute mark. It’s a good one.

See also:

Democratic State Rep. John DeBerry Shames Rioters, ‘What Kind Of People Have We Become?’

The Federalist: Tennessee State Representative John DeBerry Jr. delivered a powerful speech against the riots earlier this month in a house session, where the Democratic representative denounced the non-peaceful riots and expressed fear for the future.

DeBerry recounted the history of the civil rights movement and the peaceful civil rights protests he witnessed as a child, reminding the chamber of what made the protests and marches of the 1960s successful. “I saw it. I saw men and women stand with courage and integrity and class, and they changed the world,” he said.

“I am one of those individuals who walked in back doors because the law said I had to. I’m one of those individuals who rode on the back of the bus on the back seats that were not cushioned because the law said I had to,” he said.

DeBerry described what happened when protests of the 1960s turned violent, saying, “When the riots started and folks started burning stuff down, that’s when my father took my arm and we left. We left because that was not what we were there for. That was not what Dr. King was there for.”

DeBerry denounced the ongoing destruction, violence, and property damage caused by rioting across the country. WATCH

7 Comments on “The media have been brilliant. We have to give the devil his due.”

  1. The only people who are manipulated by the media want to appear to have been suckered. It is to set up an excuse they use to fob off responsible on the media for their own idiocy.

  2. “What kind of people have WE become?”, the most (maybe only) self-aware member of the Democratic party.

    The only thing worse than a conservative is one of their own, a man of color, thinking for himself, questioning the party line, and wandering off the plantation, this cannot stand.

    The problem is that in the common vernacular of his party, words like courage, integrity, values, class, common sense, they have no meaning, he might as well have spoken Chinese.


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