The Media Says Concerns Over Biden’s Mental Stability Is…Disinformation? – IOTW Report

The Media Says Concerns Over Biden’s Mental Stability Is…Disinformation?

Who are you going to believe? The leftmedia or your own eyes?

17 Comments on The Media Says Concerns Over Biden’s Mental Stability Is…Disinformation?

  1. Go stick it up yer ass you bunch of lying Lefty Bought & Paid For Propagandist Knee-Pad Media Types! We know “disinformation” when we see it and it comes in the form of the New York Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, etc.

  2. A “Republic” is “Representative Democracy.”

    Why shouldn’t the morons, imbeciles, and retards have a candidate?
    Joey is their leader.
    It’s only fair.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. They are going to overcompensate and low information people that never would see it will see it when they watch videos with manipulated data warnings. Their only hope is to keep this virus alive and hope they can prevent debates and keep rally’s from happening for both sides.

  4. 71 years ago I lived outside of DC. I faced a similar problem. ” who would i believe: the kgb run WPost or my own eyes!” i did no know what KGB was in ’49 but id did know hat mongers.


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