The Media Targets Young Autistic Woman With ‘Doorway Debbie’ Narrative – IOTW Report

The Media Targets Young Autistic Woman With ‘Doorway Debbie’ Narrative

Daily Caller: At first, it appeared to be just another story about a white person calling the cops on a black person over the summer — a supposedly racially motivated phone call to the police that caught international attention out of hundreds of others.

Stories of police arriving to scenes across the United States to find black people committing “crimes” of barbequing, sleeping in a university dorm common room or selling water bottles were taking over the media. With each story, a white person made the phone call, and each caller was given a memorable nickname. In this case, the caller was named “Doorway Debbie.”

On a midsummer day in July, Darsell Obregon ducked under an apartment building to shelter herself from the rain while waiting for an Uber. Minutes later, the front door swung open and out walked a 19-year-old girl who demanded that Obregon leave the premises immediately. The resident’s name is Arabelle Torres, a 19-year-old student at Brooklyn College who also has autism.

“I came downstairs and a woman was standing as I am right now and wouldn’t leave,” Torres, who was describing the seeds of events that led her life to change, said to me while standing outside of her home in Park Slope. What might have been an unremarkable high-strung incident that occurs hundreds of times a day in New York City, ended up becoming a fake news story that race-baited an incident without credible evidence of bigotry.  MORE HERE

8 Comments on The Media Targets Young Autistic Woman With ‘Doorway Debbie’ Narrative

  1. Torres, another one of those infamous White Hispanics.

    Don’t you just love how the shitmonger says “That’s not how we do things” when asked if she will point out how she got the story wrong?

  2. If you are a SJW journalist for a left-wing rag trying to please your editor, it’s gotta be “racist did this”, “homophobe did that”, “Islamophobe said this”, “cop did that”…

    But an autistic woman in fear is hounded and calls police… That just doesn’t sell to their readership.

  3. 1. If a resident comes out to tell you to not stand in front of their door, don’t stand in front of their door. Even if they live in a van down by the canal, don’t stand in front of their van.

    2. Carry an umbrella.

    3. The press sucks a giant D. Sometimes, even the supposed ‘friendly’ ones *eye roll* like the nypost.

  4. Must have been one of those hair hatted hooligans. They will do anything to keep dey weaves from getting wet. Tommy Sotomayor showed a video where one of these BT 1000s was holding her infant over her head as an umbrella in a downpour.

  5. People…… If you are not yet getting LtL’s sarcasm simply ignore him. FFS! remember…. WE still embrace humor.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. Why the hell did she not just tell the autistic woman that she was only waiting for an uber? I guess she might not have gotten her victim bonus points?

    And maybe the autistic woman should live on the second floor or higher where the people standing outside won’t scare her.

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