The Men Behind the Curtain – IOTW Report

The Men Behind the Curtain

Badlands Media:
So far in this series, we’ve discussed the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the World Economic Forum. In this edition, we’ll be going over another highly influential, clandestine faction of the Cabal: the Bilderberg Group.

The Bilderbergers, as you might have guessed, are yet another group of extremely powerful men and women—many of them belonging to royal European bloodlines—who convene annually in semisecret to discuss the ‘issues of the day.’ Naturally, the more conspiracy-minded observers claim that the group conspires to manufacture and manage world events; they may not be wrong.

The Bilderbergs came about in the wake of the creation of the European Union, which some believe had been the goal of several ancient orders dating as far back as the era of Merovingian King Dagobert II. This alleged brotherhood, concealed within Freemasonry, but hidden from lower-degree Masons, is the supposed progenitor of what we call “globalism” today. Their goal throughout the ages has been to dominate all of Europe and eventually the world (more on these claims in future installments).

Another important aspect of the group’s creation is that the constitutions of several democratic monarchies in Western Europe ban members of their royal families from playing an active role in the political process; however, Bilderberg meetings provide the perfect forum and platform for them, offering a workaround for royal bloodlines to maintain control over policy.

The group in question originally had no name but has been identified with the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland, where it was first discovered by the public in 1954.  MORE

6 Comments on The Men Behind the Curtain

  1. From its early founding, the agenda has never changed, “How do we continue to dupe those dumb Americans to fund our agenda and how do we manipulate their lib leaders that their progressive ideas are really ours, benefiting us and not them”.

    When you come up with a winning formula, you stick with it.


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