The men’s vote – IOTW Report

The men’s vote

American Thinker:

In the aftermath of Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, anticipate listening to angry feminists and other leftist talking heads in the Beltway warning of a backlash of female voters against Republican candidates next month.  This voting bloc has been raised as a hobgoblin intended to intimidate conservatives and Republicans for the last forty years.

Why, I wonder, does no one talk of the men’s vote?  Contrary to what politicos seem to believe, female voters constitute a paper-thin majority of the voters in America.  Women are 50.8% of the population, while men are 49.2% of the population.  That is a statistically insignificant percentage of the American voting population.

Moreover, the women’s vote is shrinking relative to the men’s: as the demographic growth rate of the male population is 9.9% compared to the demographic growth rate of the female population at 9.5%.  That paper-thin female majority will over time become a minority.  This is in keeping with the historical pattern of the American population.

Males outnumbered females in America in every decennial census from the beginning of the republic until the 1950 Census.  The demographic advantage women in America had beginning in the middle of the last century widened in the next three decennial censuses, with the widest gap in the 1980 Census, when the demographic gap between women and men hit its high-water mark.  Since 1980, every census has shown the demographic gap closing.

Why were their more women than men in America during the years from 1950 to 1980?  A significant factor was the fact that from 1941 to 1975, America was involved in three bloody foreign wars in which over half a million men died in combat and many more had shortened lives from combat wounds and disabilities.  The numbers by war were 400,000 (World War II), 50,000 (Korean War), and 60,000 (Vietnam War.)

America is not currently involved in any wars with comparable casualty rates, and the change in the nature of waging war makes it highly unlikely that a large number of men are going to die in some future combat.  The higher mortality rate among adult males caused by war is consequently not going to exist in the future.

Males continue to have a resilient advantage at the beginning of life: more boy babies are born each year than girl babies, and that has been true for a long time.  Even more importantly, America also has more male teenagers and young adults than female.

What all this means is that feminism, which rests upon a majority of voters being women, may be turned around in the next few decades, when men regain what they have historically had in American political history: a majority of the voters.  MORE HERE

9 Comments on The men’s vote

  1. I saw the ad on TV again last night. More than 50% of the population is women, so why is Congress only 20% female? Maybe because there is a greater percentage of psychopaths in the male population although there certainly no shortage of psychos among progressive women.

  2. This guy Walker has some pretty flaky ideas. He says, “…feminism, which rests upon a majority of voters being women…” Bullshit. Feminists have never counted on more than a modest percentage of women voting they way feminists want them to vote. What they have counted on is brainwashing / browbeating / blackmailing (whatever works) enough elected officials voting the way feminists want them to vote. Very different thing, that.

    So the percentage breakdown of male vs. female voters is pretty much irrelevant.

  3. I’m a man, 57 years old. I’ve never missed an election since my first, in 1980. Will never miss one while I’m still breathing. I’ve known dozens of women as friends or more and at least half have never voted, at least while we were together.

    They’re like teenagers; they talk a great game about changing the system and the like, but they can always find a reason to not show at the ballot box.

  4. @Anonymous, I am familiar with MGTOW and it is a MGSTAKE. It is one thing to #walkaway from the left, but to walk away from women, even on our side is short-sighted.
    Let’s not get as crazy as they are.

  5. @Meetkat Brzezinski October 14, 2018 at 1:13 am

    “Let us not abandon our fellow citizens, the communists. Rather, let us give them everything they demand. In the hope that one day they will be satiated, and cease demanding. That will teach them a valuable lesson. And they will change their ways.”, says, and has said, every “true” conservative, ever. How’s that “civility” cuckin’ out for ya?

  6. The backlash is women (all colors, all ethnicities) voting R because they’ve seen what the feminuts do to their men.

    That paper-thin female majority will over time become a minority.

    Part of the reason is all the liberated womyn who aborted daughters to have sons.

  7. I wonder how many of the ‘Men’ Listed in the MGTOW ‘History’ would be members if they weren’t already Dead? Just Sayin’ Not too eager to join a group that drafts a bunch of dead folks to be their ‘history’.


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