The military brass may regret firing Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller – IOTW Report

The military brass may regret firing Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller

American Thinker:

By Andrea Widburg

Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller was fired for speaking the truth about the fact that the top brass in the Pentagon never pay for their bad decisions, even as the ordinary men and women get no quarter for their errors. As soon as he’s free, Scheller intends to change that two-tiered system.

In fact, we’ve been watching unfold for some time in America a two-tiered justice system. In the civilian world, one tier, the higher one, is for leftists and the other, the lower one, is for conservatives.

It started in politics. We’ve all noticed that Republicans who err got fired. Meanwhile, leftists who violated the law (e.g., Hillary) never got fired. The only exception was the #MeToo movement, which was obviously targeted at Trump but instead did nothing more than destroy a handful of prominent, but sleazy, leftists. Biden, despite a credible sexual assault charge and a compulsive need to paw and sniff little girls, was untouched.

In 2020 and 2021, that two-tiered approach to the law began to play out for ordinary people. Those BLM and Antifa activists who torched police stations, burned down buildings, destroyed public monuments, assaulted people, etc., walked. Meanwhile, a lot of older conservative folks who protested at the Capitol (as leftists regularly do, including entering the Senate and House floor) have been kept in solitary confinement under terrible circumstances for eight months (with craven Republican politicians too frightened to help them).

It turns out that the military also has this two-tiered justice problem. If you’re not a high-ranking person in the Pentagon, the military is a harsh taskmaster. If you make a mistake, you get busted, whether you lose your rank, get the boot, or even get court-martialed. Meanwhile, the architects of the biggest military disaster in America’s history face no consequences. They haven’t resigned and Biden has made it clear that he doesn’t intend to fire them.

One man, Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller, a Marine with seventeen years in the service at his back, created a calm Facebook video explaining that it’s extremely bad for military discipline if the upper ranks don’t face consequences just as surely as the lower ranks would: more

16 Comments on The military brass may regret firing Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller

  1. Leaving the military because it’s F’ed up now. Then getting into politics to try and correct it?

    Frying pan / fire…

    Wish him success and good luck as he has to know what he’s getting into.

  2. Scheller’s right. I admire him and I like him. He’s clearly a intelligent man, so I have to conclude his decision to record this message, especially while in uniform, was a deliberate GFY to the flags, fully aware of the consequences: instant dismissal.

    I’m looking forward to see how he proceeds. I admit to not having any good insight into what his plans may be.

  3. Lt. Col Scheller will almost certainly be given a Dishonorable Discharge, lose all accrued benefits and be punished in any other way they can dream up….and a DD means he can’t legally exercise his 2A rights. If he decides to enter politics he will be smeared and libeled by the media and Big Business will “cancel” him….meaning no mortgage, no credit cards etc. They will SCREW HIM INTO THE GROUND for having the nerve to speak the truth.

  4. “ It turns out that the military also has this two-tiered justice problem. If you’re not a high-ranking person in the Pentagon, the military is a harsh taskmaster. If you make a mistake, you get busted…”

    This was no mistake, it was purposely done. The objective was to shame America, arm terrorists and distract attention from the irrefutable facts that are coming out regarding election fraud/theft. The high ranking persons in the Pentagon should be court martialed, then offered a blindfold and a cigarette at sunrise. I only say that because the likelihood of locating a serviceable Catherine wheel isn’t all that great.

  5. They had no choice. The “WOKE” 0 10’s have been training their men to fight conservatives for 18 years; NOT AMERICANS’S ENEMIES. The failures of the last 19 days have made perfectly clear our military either will not, or can not, fight American haters.

    The woke 0 10’s made an example of him. Had they not done so many others would have mouthed off about what has happened to our military the last 19 years!

    As ex Col Kurt has said many times this year ALL FLAG OFFICERS MUST BE “RELIEVED OF COMMAND”! If you got a flag in the last 20 years; odds are you are woke! Go with the odds; shit can all.

    As a ‘civvy he really has no power. He will not be asked to be on: Disney,
    GE or Viacom! A month from now only America lovers will know who hi is!

    Just because th 0 10’s are left does not mean they are dumb. He will disappear as did Gen Walker 60 years ago! dhow many know Walker?

  6. This fiasco in Afghanistan was no accident and no failure, it was planned in advance.
    From what I’m reading- for the last several months they have been stockpiling weapons and ammunition before any withdrawal so they could leave more weapons and cash for our enemies.
    Just what excuse can they give for doing that? The explosions that happened in Kabul we’re done with our own C4 materials. Think about that. We seem to be at war within are own gates, will anybody notice?

  7. The Marine Corps spokesman: “The Marine Corps is taking appropriate action to ensure the safety and well-being of Lt. Col. Scheller and his family,”

    Can anyone explain that statement? Why would he or his family not be safe?

  8. They need to do more than regret. They need to suffer.

    What does the left do to Patriots? They cancel them. They make them lose their jobs. They bankrupt them and make their lives a living hell.

    Let’s do the same to them. Take away their money first. Sue the snot out of them. See how fast they will fold.


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