The Military Has Known About Crime Reporting Lapses To FBI For 2 Decades – IOTW Report

The Military Has Known About Crime Reporting Lapses To FBI For 2 Decades

Daily Caller: The Pentagon has known for nearly twenty years about major reporting lapses to the FBI of criminals within the U.S. military, The Associated Press reports.

The AP discovered a 1997 report that detailed massive fingerprint reporting lapses of military criminals with the U.S. Navy and the Navy failed to report 94 percent of cases. “The lack of reporting to the FBI criminal history files prevents civilian law enforcement agencies from having significant information on military offenders,” the report warned 20 years ago.

Military criminal reporting to the FBI has come under renewed scrutiny after former U.S. Air Force enlisted criminal Devin Kelley killed 26 people in a Sutherland Springs, Texas, church Sunday. Kelley, 26, was convicted of misdemeanor domestic assault under court martial in 2012, under U.S. law this should have barred him from ever purchasing a firearm.  read more

6 Comments on The Military Has Known About Crime Reporting Lapses To FBI For 2 Decades

  1. Wow, I’m glad our government is doing everything it can do to keep us safe.

    I’m really glad they aren’t hiring muslims for sensitive positions in Anti-terror organizations – oh wait they are – after checking government databases you say?

    I feel safer all ready.

  2. And General Mattis is more concerned about keeping tranny’s among the ranks. I’m afraid he’s too PC tomake waves. Obama culled the officer ranks of most all of the fighting officers.

  3. A cynical or paranoid person might think that they’re deliberately letting the NICS data feeds be poorly managed in order to maximize the number of gun crimes committed by ineligible buyers.

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