The Military-Intelligence Complex – IOTW Report

The Military-Intelligence Complex

Many retired high-ranking military officers have gone beyond legitimately articulating why President Trump may be wrong on foreign policy, and now feel free to smear him personally or speak openly of removing their commander-in-chief from office. And the media and the bipartisan foreign-policy establishment are with them every step of the way.

Victor Davis Hanson/American Greatness:

Much has been written about the so-called Resistance of disgruntled Clinton, Obama, and progressive activists who have pledged to stop Donald Trump’s agenda. The choice of the noun “Resistance,” of course, conjures up not mere “opposition,” but is meant to evoke the French “resistance” of World War II—in the melodramatic sense of current loyal progressive patriots doing their best to thwart by almost any means necessary the Nazi-like Trump.

We know from a variety of disinterested watchdog institutions and foundations that the media has offered 90 percent negative coverage of the Trump Administration. CNN in its anti-Trump zeal has ruined its brand by serial fabrications and firings of its marquee biased reporters. 

An entire array of CNN journalists and analysts either has resigned, been fired, retired, forced to offer retractions, or been disgraced either for peddling ad hominem crude attacks on Trump, displaying unprofessional behavior, concocting or repeating false stories, engaging in obscene commentary, or being refuted, including but not limited at times to Reza Aslan, Carl Bernstein, Donna Brazile, James Clapper, Marshall Cohen, Candy Crowley, Kathy Griffin, Julie Joffe, Michael Hayden, Suzanne Malveaux, Manu Raju, Jim Sciutto, Julian Zelizer, and teams such as Thomas Frank, Eric Lichtblau, and Lex Harris, and Gloria Borger, Jake Tapper, and Brian Rokus.

About every month or so, a Hollywood or entertainment personage offers a new assassination scenario of shooting, torching, stabbing, beating, blowing up, caging, or lynching the elected president. 

Likewise, the country witnesses about every six weeks a new “turning point,” “bombshell,” “walls are closing in” effort to subvert the Trump presidency. And the list of such futile and fabricated attempts to abort Trump is indeed now quite monotonous: the efforts to sue three states on false charges of tampered voting machines, the attempt to subvert the voting of the Electoral College, the invocation of the ossified Logan Act, the melodramas concerning the emoluments clause and 25th Amendment, the Mueller’s Dream Team and all-star 22-month failed effort to find collusion and obstruction, the personal psychodramas of Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, Michael Avenatti, and the Trump tax returns, the desperate efforts to tar Trump as a “white supremacist,” followed by cries of “Recession! Recession!,” and now, of course, “Ukraine! Ukraine!”

Perhaps these efforts were best summed up by an anonymous New York Times op-ed writer who on September 5, 2018, outlined how officials within the Trump Administration took it upon themselves in the midst of the Mueller investigation to obstruct and impede the workings of the seemingly oblivious cuckold Trump: “The dilemma—which he [Trump] does not fully grasp — is that many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations . . . I would know. I am one of them.”

The Normalization of the Coup?

Yet far more disturbing have been the furor of lame-duck and retired intelligence and military officers.  read more

h/t forcibly deranged

12 Comments on The Military-Intelligence Complex

  1. It was reported from the get DJT doesn’t attend Deep State Intelligence briefings. He doesn’t. He can’t trust the alphabet soup assholes. The the Army of Northern Virginia JSOC does his intel. The same guys that just killed that rapper Bag Daddy. Patriots will research this shit. It’s mind blowing.

  2. It’s some, not “many” military loudmouths. Everything is relative. Even acknowledging all the discharges during Obama and elevation of the wrong people…

    Be this as it may. Being in the military for years hones many skills. But it also can leave gaps if those weren’t learned from extra-military education or experience. The same can be said of other specialties such as law or politics or economics.

    The general contractor or developer may not be a lawyer, accountant, architect, engineer, demolition expert, plumber or geologist (and thus have to hire these experts), but if successful he has the skills to consider and weigh a lot of different kinds of issues and manage the big picture.

    If I’ve learned anything from watching Trump over the past few years, it’s that the country is best run by a patriotic CEO entrepreneur who already has made his fame and fortune in a conglomerate of enterprises. Everyone else, however extraordinary, still amounts to a staff line position — and their opinions are necessarily narrow. (“If you’re a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.”)

  3. And to think these very same officers served under Obama and found absolutely no problem with his conduct or directives.
    The left has been chipping away at the military for decades now and it seems they’ve been more effective than most would have imagined.
    This is beyond disturbing especially if considering the present crop of military leaders are as infected.

  4. after communist infiltration of the government, schools and the media, the military is the next logical target.

    there was a reason barock released many of the top military brass and appointed his men in their place.

  5. Years back Col. David Hackworth spoke of the polluted officer ranks in the upper echelon. The Pentagon is filled with low quality uniform clad politicians.
    Today it’s clear to all what he was referring to.

  6. Just remember the More elevated in rank, the more political influence in future promotions and assignments. These General and admiral hacks dance with the devil that brought them to the dance, regardless of who is president.

  7. O-6 and above has long been political.
    That’s why Obola dispatched those hundreds (or thousands) of O-4s and O-5s.
    Hundreds (or thousands) of careers were destroyed – those who remained were the ideological “leftist” toadies and lickspittles (as far as I can ascertain) – a few Americans may have slipped through the cracks and kept their jobs.

    During war, our Armed Forces are focused like a laser beam – during peace our Armed Forces are choking on chicken-shit. Even in WWII, once we knew victory was assured, the Armed Forces started their shuffling.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. The Magic Negro weaponized used every single function of every department in the federal government to radically transform America to a Marxist nation.

    He promised it and he delivered, he massacred the top leadership of the military to install useful sycophants that would carry on his destructive legacy and cover his criminal tracks.

    These minions along with his deep state permanent appointments formed the foot soldiers of the Valjar organization from his tony manse in DC. Valjar was President while the Black Jesus preened in front of mirrors and partied.

    This was the backup plan all along to resist and overthrow a duly elected President. What these morons did not count on was that the fired military intelligence and former leadership would form the Army of Northern Virginia to destroy them.

    The capable and patriotic leaders the Kenyan feared and hated are now the apparatus of his own destruction. His replacements were self serving ass kissers and knew squat beyond how to politic advancement.

    Those leaders who were forcibly retired joined ranks with the real military intelligence core group of patriots who convinced PJDT to run to save America.

    The storm is coming and it’s aimed at the deep state and their God King and the Lizard Queen.


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