The Mob Wants to Ruin Tucker Carlson Because He’s Right – IOTW Report

The Mob Wants to Ruin Tucker Carlson Because He’s Right

American Greatness: Tucker Carlson has never been your average TV host, but in the midst of America’s slide into anarcho-tyranny, his Fox News program has taken on a new significance.

Just how significant was made clear last week, when the New York Times incited violence against Carlson and his family. Carlson announced on his show that the newspaper was planning to publish a story revealing the location of his home. The newspaper’s purpose couldn’t be more obvious. Later, the Times appeared to retract the story and tried to pretend they had never had such plans, but this came only after Carlson called out the newspaper on his show and threatened to counterpunch. Evidently, they weren’t expecting that response.

This scummy, depraved behavior is part of a pattern. Two years ago, a mob threatened Carlson’s family at home in D.C., and eventually, he was forced to relocate. Activists have been trying to get his show canceled since its inception and recently those efforts have grown more intense. Last week, as the Times was planning to dox himCarlson was targeted with an absurd and fact-free lawsuit from a jaded former guest.

Why do the worst people in the world hate Tucker Carlson? To understand that we need to consider his success. Carlson’s show recently became the highest-rated program in cable history. This can’t be a coincidence. Against the backdrop of the present reign of terror, his talents have never stood out more, and they have never been more valuable. more here

6 Comments on The Mob Wants to Ruin Tucker Carlson Because He’s Right

  1. I put him on in the mornings on bitchute while I workout. Huge fan. His interview with the CPL was one of my all time favorites. Give Avenati credit for coming on. He’s really on a tear about google. Thank goodness someone is.


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