The Modern Right’s Founding Mothers – IOTW Report

The Modern Right’s Founding Mothers

Ayn Rand, Rose Wilder Lane, and Isabel Paterson fought valiantly against the New Deal’s redefinition of the American dream as equal access to state management.

American Greatness: People on the American Right can be forgiven if they don’t know their own history. After all, American political history is almost exclusively written by people on the Left. Timothy Sandefur’s new book does something to solve this problem.

Before there was Rush Limbaugh, before there was William F. Buckley, before, even, there was Russell Kirk, there was a small band of intellectuals opposing the great wave of statism that washed ashore with the New Deal. Everyone in that band was an interesting person—you had to be interesting to oppose such an overwhelming trend. Three of the most interesting are the subjects of Sandefur’s book: more

6 Comments on The Modern Right’s Founding Mothers

  1. People forget that for decades there was one party. Even as recently as Romney or McCain you had NO option at the federal level to secure the border. Gun control and abortion were accepted as default political paradigms etc. Until Reagan conservatives were pandered to, but never accepted.

  2. By far my favorite “movie mogul” met the conservative DEMOCRAT for whom I voted 9 times at a Randian convention 72 years ago. They hit it off so well that Walt had the conservative as one of the 3 “anchors” on TV when he opened Disneyland 7/17/55 (MY future wife was there as a 5th grader. I would first meet her 9.3 years latter in college.))

    While at Pendleton I read her 2 big books at the base library. Probably “Dubya” had them banned 18 years ago.

    Had i read the books 15 years sooner, i like Ronny, would have been a RANDIAN.

  3. I loved Laura Ingalls Wilder books as a kid.
    I appreciate her daughter’s writing, as an adult.

    * Yes, I know there are claims that Rose had a broad hand in the writing of the Little House series.
    So technically, I loved RWL work way back then.

    Any Rand was required reading for my Senior Lit class.
    My teacher was one who had not bowed to the union crap that was being peddled.
    Today’s public school student has no idea how much they have missed, by not having teachers who make you think.
    Sadly, they have been saddled with the bottom feeders, who tell you what to think.


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