The Moral Superiority Of Capitalism – IOTW Report

The Moral Superiority Of Capitalism

Issues & Insights: Socialism is popular again. The rise of politicians such as Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shows how the promises of socialism are once again influencing our political debate. It’s not easy to pin down a single reason for socialism coming back in vogue, but one undeniable factor is the longstanding belief that socialism is a more moral and caring system than capitalism.

This belief, however, overlooks the moral bankruptcy of socialism while denying the moral virtues of capitalism. We explore in this issue many ideas behind these two political systems and their consequences, both good and bad. It’s no coincidence that capitalism’s morality is a driving factor in its success.

America was founded on the moral ideal of individualism—the view that each of us is sovereign, possessing an inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of our own happiness. Our government was created to secure these rights. Its aim, according to the Constitution, is to “establish justice” and “secure the blessings of liberty.” more here

7 Comments on The Moral Superiority Of Capitalism

  1. “The essential quality of a market system, contrary to popular thinking, is not that it promotes greed; But rather, that it renders greed harmless.”
    – Israel Kirzner

    Now ‘crony capitalism’, in which big business and governments collude, well that is not really capitalism. The crazy thing is that socialists foster crony capitalism, then point to it rightfully as what is wrong, then promote increased government controls as a solution. Which of course leads to greater disparity and loss of competition.

  2. how quickly we’ve turned from a government of ‘you can’ to a government of ‘you can’t’

    … & today’s idiots are cheering it on to greater tyranny

  3. It’s sad that the people stocking up on toilet paper, soaps and gloves don’t recognize socialism when they see it in the growing lines at the marketplace.

    I will gladly take the virus. Will get the attention, water, meds, etc. while the others run in panic for their survival.

    The fun has only begun, folks! Wait until something BIG happens!

    Avg IQ 98.

  4. I hate the phrase ” crony capitalism. It’s a bullshit saying that makes capitalism sound corrupt. We should always say “cronyism” because it exists in all systems.

  5. In a socialist country everyone waits in line for the same, stale bread.
    In a capitalist country many varieties of fresh bread wait on the shelves for you, along with various meats, condiments, vegetables and cheeses…

  6. The brilliant Winston Churchill described Socialism as shared misery, but that is only the beginning, it is such a wonderful system, it has been tried and 40 different countries, and has failed in 40 different countries. Socialism was invented by Karl Marx, his IQ may have been as high as 70.

  7. The “Moral” Superiority of Capitalism

    We’d rather fail. With our printhipulls.

    In fact, we insist, we fail. With our printhipulls.

    We demand you all fail, with us! For our printhipulls.

    For we are printhipulled failures. It’s, just, who we are.

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