The most commonly stolen book at the San Francisco Public Library is… – IOTW Report

The most commonly stolen book at the San Francisco Public Library is…

SF Gate: In liberal San Francisco, you might think sticky fingers at the public library would pull Barack Obama’s “The Audacity of Hope” off the shelves.


The books that mostly commonly go missing — and are assumed to be stolen — at the San Francisco Public Library are written by a conservative radio host who was among the first to endorse Donald Trump in the 2016 election.

“The one author our head of collections has to check regularly and purchase new copies of our books by Michael Savage,” library spokesperson Kate  Patterson wrote in an email.  “We check once a year to see if all the copies are gone and reorder. We have moved to e-book for most of them, so we can ensure copies are around.  The main title that disappears quickly is ‘Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder.'” more here

SNIP: Triggered? Or learning something.

24 Comments on The most commonly stolen book at the San Francisco Public Library is…

  1. Sorry, my take is that the book thiefs are snot nosed punk libs trying to keep anybody else from reading his books.

    If it were a matter of them wanting to educate themselves, they would have merely checked the book out.

  2. Well it is San Francisco and the street urchins would require assistance with matters of personal hygiene after making their deposits on the sidewalks. This could be considered the current California equivalent of book burning.

  3. 1) Lefties are stealing it to prevent others from reading it.

    2) Conservatives steal it because they read a few lines, it speaks to them, and they figure, I am severely overtaxed and I’m getting something back.

    Sadly I think it is option #1 since conservatives know that the libraries are just another place for the homeless in SF to loiter, defecate, search pornography, and pass out or sleep.

  4. Speaking of bestsellers, Petey B is currently working on his autobiography.

    The working title is called, “My Cock. Your Ass. My Homoerotica Life On The 2020 Campaign Trail”

  5. I would have guessed the San Francisco Poop Map would have been the most stolen book. Oh, wait, on second thought, that would probably be a smart phone app that could be updated daily.

  6. Twenty five years ago, I worked for the county library system in an Atlanta suburb. The books that most commonly turned up missing were anything having to do with Wicca, witchcraft, and so forth. I doubt it was neo-pagans, since there just weren’t that many in the area. Most likely it was fundamentalists.

    We also constantly found Jack Chick tracts in the books and lying on the bookshelves. Whoever was doing it particularly liked to put them in books on atheism and non-Christian religions.


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