The most memorable jokes from Trump’s Gridiron dinner speech – IOTW Report

The most memorable jokes from Trump’s Gridiron dinner speech


The Hill: President Trump on Saturday participated in the Gridiron Club dinner’s long-standing tradition of presidential speeches filled with self-deprecating humor, flinging barbs at his own administration as well as the usual targets.

Since its foundation in 1855, almost every president has attended the annual white tie dinner at least once during their administration. The club extends a standing invitation to the president every year.

The event is known for its roast-style speeches, skits and political comedy, with lawmakers and journalists going after one another throughout the dinner.

All eyes were on Trump ahead of the event Saturday evening, with many wondering if the president — who frequently attacks the media and comedians who mock him — would be receptive to jokes at his own expense.

His speech didn’t stray too far from his usual targets, with jokes that took aim at Democrats, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the media and some administration officials.

But the president was also the butt of a few of his own jokes, as were members of his family.

Here are Trump’s most memorable punchlines from his debut at the Gridiron dinner:


Trump quips he was late because Kushner couldn’t get through security

In light of Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner having his security clearance downgraded, Trump joked about the matter, saying he was late “because Jared couldn’t get through security.”

“Ivanka, you’ve got to do something!” Trump said, according to White House pool reports, referring to Ivanka Trump, his daughter and Kushner’s wife.


Trump asks who will leave White House next: Stephen Miller or Melania? 

Trump’s joke about White House turnover comes days after communications director Hope Hicks announced her departure from the administration.

“So many people have been leaving the White House. It’s invigorating since you want turnover. I like chaos. It really is good. Who’s going to be the next to leave? Steve Miller, or Melania?” Trump said, according to White House pool reports.

“That’s terrible. But you love me right, honey? She said, behave! By the way she has been an incredible first lady.”  MORE

14 Comments on The most memorable jokes from Trump’s Gridiron dinner speech

  1. He is funnier than the so-called late night comedians. Colbert, Kimmel, Maher, O’Brien, Fallen with their “laugh tracks” and “applaud please” signs for the lemmings, really suck compared to our President. MAGA!

  2. I’m outraged that Trump joked that Maxine Waters needed to take an IQ test. Maxine was also outraged once the busboy explained it to her.

  3. First of all PDJT has a great sense of humor. Secondly, he may be the world’s greatest troll…. Plus, the guy has incredible stamina. I think he is A-okay. We did good.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

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