The Most Powerful State Politician in America Is Resigning His Seat – IOTW Report

The Most Powerful State Politician in America Is Resigning His Seat

PJMedia: Former Illinois Speaker of the House Mike Madigan, who dominated politics in the state for decades, is resigning his House seat at the end of this month.

Madigan, a Democrat, was deposed from his speakership by his party last month after becoming embroiled in a “pay-for-play” scandal involving the electric utility, ComEd. He had served for 36 years as speaker and had been in the legislature for 50 years.

In his resignation statement, Madigan never mentioned the scandal but whined about a “whispering campaign” that undermined trust in him. more

19 Comments on The Most Powerful State Politician in America Is Resigning His Seat

  1. He’s only leaving because they want him too. If there is too much attention brought to his criminal activity, other may become exposed as well. Look for him to be indicted. Nobody pays attention when “former” public officials are indicted.

  2. I hope he’s brought to justice but it’s pretty unlikely. He has run this state no matter who was elected governor. He knows where all the bodies are buried because he put them there. He never used email or a cell phone so he would leave no trail. The only way to get will be if people turn on him to save their own sorry asses.

  3. “Land of Lincoln”…

    As if getting shot in the back of the head and suffering another nine hours wasn’t bad enough. Imagine being the first Republican president, yet having your name associated with every scumbag Democrat politician that ever came slithering his way into power in your home state.

  4. Definition of a career politician:

    He had served for 36 years as speaker and had been in the legislature for 50 years.

    50 years of corruption, and it took this long to realize it. DemocRATS = dumbasses.

  5. No single politician is as responsible for ruining an entire state as Madigan.
    Madigan had a mental illness that caused him to seek ever more power, year after year.
    And the way Democrats entrench their corrupt leadership (see: Pelosi) made this guy untouchable until finally someone from the Feds was able to break the chains and maybe allow Illinois to start fixing itself.

  6. As a resident of Illinois, I can tell you that he has almost single handedly ruined this state. No matter who the governor might have been at any given time, Mike Madigan was the power of the state. No law could be passed without his approval, no appointment made without his blessing. He was as corrupt as any politician in any state. That being said, nothing is going to change, another demoscum will just step up and take his place.


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