‘The most trusted potato in cable news entertainment’ – IOTW Report

‘The most trusted potato in cable news entertainment’

Brian Potato Stelter retweeted a video of himself being mocked mercilessly by Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity. What an idiot.


Louder with Crowder:
Brian Stelter is the most trusted potato in cable news entertainment. CNN pays him a lot of money to watch Fox News and report what Fox News is reporting on CNN. It’s a silly job, but Brian Stelter is a silly potato. Stelter really gets his panties in a bunch over Tucker Carlson. Alleged panties. It could be tighty whities or boxers like a real man’s man!

I’ll be honest, I never thought much about Brian Stelter’s underpants until this clip from Fox News: Brian Stelter, the most trusted potato in cable news entertainment, delivering to us the news without any pants on.

16 Comments on ‘The most trusted potato in cable news entertainment’

  1. Billy Fuster
    MARCH 9, 2021 AT 3:45 PM
    “He probably plays with his wiener when he’s on air.”

    …IDK, seems like he’d visibly lose his concentration looking for something THAT small in THAT hefty of a FUPA…

  2. Potato head is very app.

    Not “Mr.” Potato head because that would be presuming and of all the people one should not presume gender on is that person. I mean, where is it written a woman can’t have male pattern baldness. The bitch cried for 4 years like someone kicked it in the ovaries while Trump was on office.

    Is gender fluid enough that we can assign the worm his gender? I ask because I don’t know.

  3. Jethro
    MARCH 9, 2021 AT 5:51 PM
    “… is he broadcasting from his child’s bedroom?”

    …well, A child’s bedroom…

    …like their avatar Biden, pedos DO like to rape their children and grandchildren, but they like the power rush too much and it gets old when their OWN kin just starts surrendering (watch Bidens granddaughter’s skirt-lifting automatic response when he kisses her on the lips in public), so they’re ALWAYS in the market for OTHER people’s children to rape, ALWAYS, may God send them to hell soon and very soon…

  4. More like a deformed rotting potato with some mold growing on it… when you clean out the bottom bin in the fridge…after months of being there.

    Rotting away and then it goes into the…GARGAGE where is belongs not even in the garden compost heap.

  5. You know this potato head is most likely touching himself during his broadcast just to apease himself… “look what i can do and get away with it….”

    Let’s just call him Jeffery Toobin the 2nd


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