The (Mug)Shot Heard Around The World – IOTW Report

The (Mug)Shot Heard Around The World

National Pulse: Former U.S. President Donald J. Trump has once again been arrested and booked, this time in perhaps the most brazenly political prosecution yet – a tall order given the litany of ludicrous charges which have already befallen the ex-Commander in Chief.

Trump, 77, arrived in Georgia on Thursday evening just one day after trouncing his own party’s ratings with an exclusive interview with Tucker Carlson. more here

The memes have started. lol!

You can get a “Fulton Mug Lens” on Snapchat

Trump campaign posts mugshot to his Twitter account, lighting up social media.

43 Comments on The (Mug)Shot Heard Around The World

  1. That face says, “There’s a reckoning on the way. The left will pay”.

    BTW,President Trump looks like an eagle focused on his prey – the evil perpetrators who created these corrupt, illegal indictments.

  2. While driving around Toronto I get BNN/Bloomberg free on AM.
    The hosts were bragging & laughing about what the :Mug Shot” would look like.

    In my Mind i figured it would be a WIDE SMILE with bright eyes, But as Usual Trump Surprised with this image which is MUCH BETTER.

    I personally loved his official portrait as a “Man Working with things to do”

    Honestly, Donny has replaced Reagan as my favourite as Very few have endured as much.
    Ahem! Mind you Theo Rosevelt & Ronnie got shot with a bullet rather than an entire In-Justice System & Media.

  3. @Kcir ~ when they go after Trump they will not use a mental dope of a son of a Bush family friend & Donor (Hinkley vs. Reagan) … they’ll be sure the job is done right, ala. Kennedy being shot by a marxist w/ a CIA grassy-knoll back-up

  4. So what if he looks nasty, what until God asks him why he hosted a faggot party at his mansion that he allowed Trump to have. Oh, and the jab, Operation Warp Speed, and the same jab he was pushing on 12/22 – just 8 months ago, well, it’s not a popular thing to be talking about with him. He lost thousands of followers back in December – I was oneof them. I tripled down when he entertained the gays.

  5. Nowut Ameen AT 6:18 AM
    You watch. The DA will seek a court ruling that Trump posting his own mugshot has violated the terms of his bond, and should be jailed.


    It’s public record. He just posted it before anyone else did.

    Let’s not get too paranoid.


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