The Muslim Brotherhood Is a Terrorist Organization With Socialist Roots – IOTW Report

The Muslim Brotherhood Is a Terrorist Organization With Socialist Roots

ET: As the Trump administration moves to designate the Muslim Brotherhoodas a terrorist organization, it’s important to know its roots and what it’s really about. The reason that the Muslim Brotherhood and its international model enjoy support from socialist movements—despite the fact that the Brotherhood opposes every “progressive” trend those movements claim to believe in—is that they all believe in the same basic theories of totalitarian governance.

The Muslim Brotherhood is not a form of traditional Islam. The organization started in 1928 as a “modernization” movement that merged Islam with the ideas of socialism. It promotes a system of theocratic socialism, and has from the get-go pushed for “offensive jihad” to spread this system of totalitarian governance.

This model of socialist theocracy was the invention of Sayyid Qutb, who is considered to be the founding father of the Muslim Brotherhood. His books, “Milestones” (1964) and “In the Shade of the Quran” (written 1951–1965), played a large role in creating the new Islamic regimes that have swept the Arab world.

Qutb also was an advocate for “offensive jihad,” which helped spur the creation of tyrannical regimes under this new form of “Islamism.”

According to Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, Qutb’s revisions to Islam warped the concept of sharia (Islamic law) to merge socialist politics into a system of theocratic government. He explained in a previous interview that Qutb “evokes a lot of Islamic ideology to push for theocracy.”

Jasser explained that, under this model, criticisms of the government become synonymous with attacks on the religion. This allows the socialist tyrants to kill critics and political opponents, under the guise of defending religion. more

7 Comments on The Muslim Brotherhood Is a Terrorist Organization With Socialist Roots

  1. Springtime for Allah and Mohammed! Omohammed’s American Caliphate was built around the Muslim Brotherhood, which got its start in Greeley, Colorado, of all places.

  2. Uhhh… where’d ya’ park your squad car, Dick Tracy?! 🙄

    mohammedan ANYTHING is a DE FACTO terrorist organization – AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN!!!


  3. Gee Wally, I’m beginning to think that Socialism is the candy that Totalitarians use to entice the planet’s “children”.

    Yeah Beave, either that or anal lube for Communism!


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