The mystery surrounding the Delta pilot deepens – IOTW Report

The mystery surrounding the Delta pilot deepens


The mystery surrounding the latest Delta Airlines crash just keeps deepening. The crash itself was shocking to witness—and it’s nothing short of a miracle that no one died.

But in today’s world, where the skies feel less friendly than ever thanks to progressive ideology that has taken over corporate America, it’s no surprise that when a crash happens, all eyes turn to DEI.

And that’s not a stretch. Delta Airlines has made no secret of going all-in on their DEI agenda—a move that just so happens to coincide with a sharp decline in consumer confidence with the airline industry. more here

10 Comments on The mystery surrounding the Delta pilot deepens

  1. Delta cannot handle the truth. We all know what happened. DEI is a failure the communist party will never live down. Delta’s intellectually and morally weak Board of directors fell for it. The longer Delta delays admitting their mistakes the sooner conspiracy theory becomes reality.

  2. What Is Criminal Negligence?

    Criminal negligence (sometimes called culpable negligence) refers to a defendant who acts in disregard of a serious risk of harm that a reasonable person in the same situation would have perceived. Another common definition includes an act that amounts to a gross deviation from the general standard of care.

    My take on it would expand culpability to anyone who supports or votes to enable, encourage or subsidize this behavior. That includes every last one of them. They are complicit.

  3. I did the same landing years ago in my B1rd… I had my lunch bucket on my lap, during the flight, myself and my lunch had settled down and forward a bit in the seat. When the time came to round out for landing, there wasn’t any aft stick available because of aforementioned lunch bucket being in the way. Touchdown was VERY firm, but nothing broke.
    Did she have a big ol’ purse in her lap??

  4. The really, really obvious question is why have the flight crew not been identified? FAA has to know. Delta/Endeavor shouldn’t be hiding that info, but why don’t we know regardless???

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