The Myth That Trump Called for Russian Hack Started with Katy Tur – IOTW Report

The Myth That Trump Called for Russian Hack Started with Katy Tur

MSM creates fake news, Obama gladly repeats it.

LifeZette: Obama repeats media creation that president-elect called on foreign government to hack Clinton.

It has become an unshakable article of faith on the Left that President-Elect Donald Trump asked Russia to hack computer systems in order to defeat his Democrat opponent Hillary Clinton.

Of course Russia hacks, the People’s Republic of China hacks, North Korea hacks, and every country that gathers intelligence hacks, with varying degrees of efficiency.

At what was billed as President Obama’s final press conference Friday, the outgoing president said he was confirming Russia tried to interfere in the Nov. 8 election.

“This happened at the highest levels of the Russian government,” Obama said.

But there has never been any evidence that Trump called upon Russia to hack anybody.

It simply never happened.

And this is not an arguable point.

It is not a close call.

Yet eyewitnesses say they saw and heard something that didn’t actually take place.

“I personally saw President-Elect Trump say, go ahead and hack Hillary Clinton,” liberal pundit Juan Williams said Thursday on “The Five” on Fox News Channel.


[…] At the press conference, Trump, half-jokingly, urged the Russians to hand over those supposedly personal emails from Hillary’s accounts that had disappeared into the ether. “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said. What he suggested was emails already hacked should be released.

He added sarcastically: “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

9 Comments on The Myth That Trump Called for Russian Hack Started with Katy Tur

  1. If Trump had said “I hope it rains cats and dogs outside today”, the NY Times and Washington Post headlines would say “Trump calls for cruelty to animals”. Wolf Blitzer would be leading off his show with pictures of dirty Puppy Mills and stray cats in garbage games and panels about how Trump wants to ban all pets.

  2. One small detail:
    I don’t know of
    that has been released.

    Plenty of Podesta.
    Which he admitted he lost his phone…and others have said he was stupid enough to click on PHISHING ads.


    Details. Details. Details.

  3. It’s all baby-shit.
    They know Mrs. Clinton’s a monster – she’s killed more of them than us.
    Russians are about as subtle as a chainsaw at a circumcision.
    Pure bullshit – pure unadulterated bullshit – and they KNOW it – they just don’t care.

    izlamo delenda est …

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