The Nadler & Schiff Law Firm – IOTW Report

The Nadler & Schiff Law Firm

The Nadler & Schiff firm, inventors of the “Crime-Free Impeachment” are here to help you get rid of Donald Trump.

11 Comments on The Nadler & Schiff Law Firm

  1. I heard something terrible about Donald J Trump

    He’s done for this country what previous admins have been unable or unwilling to do. People LOVE him and can’t wait to re-elect him.

    This success and happiness must be stopped

  2. I can see their office in my head. Leather chairs, mahogany furniture and bookshelves filled with Harry Potter and other important legal books of fiction writers to choose from.

  3. DNC
    Demonrat Nazi Coalition.

    Apparently reading comprehension is no longer required for a law degree.
    Either these two never read the Constitution or they didn’t understand what they read.
    Or they just don’t give a fuck and are working strenuously to undermine it (the Constitution).

    izlamo delenda est …


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