The Navarro Report- Part III – IOTW Report

The Navarro Report- Part III

Yes, President Trump Won:
The Case, Evidence, & Statistical Receipts
Volume Three of the Navarro Report.

11 Comments on The Navarro Report- Part III

  1. I’m watching Wheel of Fortune and the “news” breaks in with a special address from biden. Did President Trump ever get access to the American people or did the media block every opportunity to sabotage him? Yet the American people voted for him in a landslide. I am not emotionally ready for the biden love fest. It makes me physically ill.

  2. I read a comment on another site that said nothing would be done because “we” allowed them to do this because “we” complied with their mask mandates and shutdowns. I just want to say “we” when it comes to myself, my husband, my adult kids never complied with mask mandates. We never shut anything down. We not only continued our lives and tried to keep our local restaurants in business, we didn’t wear masks, even when traveling to states with statewide mask mandates. When we were told more than once in these states that it was “law” we informed them governors did not make law.
    We have warned since the first day they started telling people to wear masks to not do it and the consequences for doing so.

    I will share in the blame for many things, but complying with the dictators across this country is not something I will share in the blame on.

  3. Trump could declassify everything in the world, we don’t have a viable Department of Justice or a viable FBI so just who is going to bring justice to anyone? There is no one up to doing the job, they are all in on it. Including our great and powerful worthless Supreme court justices. Americans are on their own. Vigilante might help us.

  4. @Full Auto, at that point we wouldn’t be depending on the DOJ or FBI. If there is as much dirt available as has been alleged, it would be We The People who would have to bring the justice.


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