The Nazification of the Democrats – IOTW Report

The Nazification of the Democrats

American Greatness: In America’s current political climate, Democrats are making frequent use of terms they understand poorly at best. To silence debate and criticism, Democrats routinely employ labels such as “Fascist,” “Nazi,” or “racist” to shut down and intimidate their political targets. Ironically, however, as Democrats engage this way they are quickly adopting the very characteristics of those groups they supposedly despise.

Most notably, the Democrats increasingly display anti-Semitism along with their hostility to Christianity, traditional American values, and individual liberty. The recent revelation that Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) tweeted in 2012 that Israel had “hypnotized the world” is a clear indication of where the Democratic Party is headed—and why Americans should worry.

Beginning with Omar’s tweet about Israel “hypnotizing” the world, the congresswoman’s sentiment is a common theme in Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. In the 1925 screed that became the centerpiece of Nazi thought, Hitler routinely accuses Jews of undertaking a “campaign of lies” while lamenting the supposed “ignorance of the broad masses” and “narrow-mindedness of the upper classes” about Jews . While Democrats and the Left routinely attempt to distance their hatred of Israel from anti-Semitism, their opprobrium of the Jewish state similarly parallels that of the late Nazi führer. In Mein Kampf, Hitler accuses Zionists of wanting a Jewish state in order to have a “central organization for their international world swindle.” Omar sounds exactly like a real Nazi.  more here


12 Comments on The Nazification of the Democrats

  1. They will always argue to their last breath, that the Nazis were far right. They are liars or stone-stupid branwashed.

    NAZI–noun, plural Na·zis.
    a member of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, which controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler and advocated totalitarian government, territorial expansion, anti-Semitism, and Aryan supremacy, all these leading directly to World War II and the Holocaust.

  2. The Democrats are anti-Christian and anti-American.

    Call them what you may, use any label of choice you wish.

    But they are just anti-Christian and anti-American and should just be called such to avoid confusion and misunderstanding of what they really are.

  3. When I taught High School Social Studies I drilled it into my boy’s (it was an all male school) “Nazi” refereed to the “NSADP”. Then I would break down NSADP N=National, S= Socialist, A= Arbieten or Workers D=Deutschland or Germany P= Party). Then I would add that this is information most adults don’t know and if they ever wanted to show off at a dinner party if the topic ever came up about “the right & Nazi’s” they could drop that truth bomb.

    The only thing the Democrats are lacking is a sense of Nationalism. Socialism- check. Racial group think- check. Blaming their perceived wrongs and injustice on the racial other- check and a strong irrational hatred for the Jews- check. The more I think about it the more I think the Democrats have substituted Nationalism for race, class and gender. If you are of the right race, class or gender your are entitled to more and if you are white male or Jew then STFU and feel lucky that we allow you to live.

  4. Thus it was always.
    The Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact was to bring “peace” to Europe – and stability to Poland.
    Munich brought “Peace in Our Time.”
    Germany only wanted “peace” and “lebensraum.”
    USSR had no territorial ambitions in the west.

    It’s no coincidence that Satan is “The Father of Lies” and all – ALL – socialists must lie to advance their agenda. The obvious doesn’t elude them, their sycophants are just too ignorant to understand. Like lemmings they follow over the cliff.

    izlamo delenda est …


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