The necrophilic inclinations of Afghanistan’s new masters – IOTW Report

The necrophilic inclinations of Afghanistan’s new masters

FrontpageMag: According to an August 22 report, a female Afghan refugee to India just “revealed that the Taliban has sex with dead bodies.”  While discussing how the terrorist group thrives on raping women, she asserted that “They rape dead bodies too. They don’t care whether the person is dead or alive… Can you imagine this?”

The report continues:  “The practice of having sex with corpses is called necrophilia. She revealed that Taliban either picked up [dead?] women or shot them. Muskan revealed that a woman was picked up by the Taliban only yesterday.”

What to make of this macabre revelation?  No doubt, many will point to it as “proof” that the Taliban’s Islam was, as the apologists of Islam had long claimed, always skin deep—a veneer to legitimize their otherwise illegitimate and corrupt rule.  After all, if they were “students [of Islam]”—the very definition of taliban—they more than the average Afghan would know that Islam forbids such a disgusting practice.  Right?

Alas, the opposite is true.  Just as pedophilia with boys (Afghanistan’s bacha bazi or “dancing boys”) has Islamic backing, so too does necrophilia, by way of Muslim scriptures, commentaries, and fatwas (Islamic decrees). more here

26 Comments on The necrophilic inclinations of Afghanistan’s new masters

  1. Wait’ll degraded western liberals hear about this.

    Bruce: Larry, did you hear about how it’s OK for our muslim brothers to have sex with the dead?

    Larry: What a charming idea!

    Bruce: We should try it…where do we get a dead body?

    Larry: We burglarize a funeral home or dig up a grave.

    Bruce: Totally fantastic. But as gays we should have sex only with male corpses.

    Larry: What about trans? We should not discriminate against dead trans people. That would not be right. If we find a corpse of a woman that used to be a man, we should still have sex with it, don’t you think?

    Bruce: You are right Larry. That would be like disenfranchising dead trans people and ignoring their civil right to have sex after death with live people. I’m sure their right to have sex is written in the constitution.

    Larry: If it’s not, let’s contact our Reps and Senators and make then write an amendment.

    Bruce. Let’s do it. You know that graveyard over on Bates Ave? Let’s grab a couple of shovels and find one that’s ready for sex.

  2. Only Jackass Joe would just give away an entire country to 7th century cave-men like this. There must be a family resemblance somewhere in the Biden lineage since their standards and morals aren’t much higher1

  3. Every damn member of the Taliban were ‘dancing boys’ at one time. Who they are today is the result of that. They are acting out the hate and anger in their hearts. Evil begets evil!


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