The New Abnormal is Global Socialism – IOTW Report

The New Abnormal is Global Socialism

The new abnormal, heavily advertised and promoted by the Democrat Party and woke sycophants is a huge disaster unfolding.

By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh


I have seen socialism creep into American education since 1979 when Jimmy Carter established the now massive bureaucracy called the Department of Education which became the blue print of socialist indoctrination in America. Through my experience first as a graduate student and then as a teacher in America, I also witnessed socialism advance in academia.

As a former citizen of a socialist republic for twenty years and after years of examining American society, I have seen in action most of the 46 goals of socialism as described by Paul B. Skousen in his book, The Naked Socialist.

Skousen’s highly accurate list describes the promotion of socialism and the U.N. as “the only hope for the world.” (#1 and #2)

As many Americans know, the U.N. and its many affiliates have managed to convince 178 countries to sign the U.N. Agenda 21 in 1992, later morphed into U.N. Agenda 2030, a document which controls every aspect of our economic and private lives through SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT and subservience to the whims of globalists, beginning with abolishing of private property and destroying the U.S., the last bastion that stands in its way.

The global green economy has been promoted for decades and the Democrat Party has officially forced it through the passing of its Green New Deal, which is neither green, nor new, nor a deal. It is a subjugation of the U.S. economy to the globalist U.N. Agenda 2030. (#4)

We saw the influence of the World Health Organization (WHO), a U.N. affiliate, and its false claims about Covid-19 which pretty much destroyed the robust U.S. economy and left millions unemployed, all for the common good.

Environmentalists and CDC doctors became controllers of everything we do as human beings and business owners. Everything was brought to its knees in a mere five months, including religion, education, and organized sports.

Liberals and the socialist Democrat Party have been advocating no borders and vilifying President Trump for securing the border. (#3)

One-world currency servicing the one world government is already being touted through the cashless society.  A fully cashless economy means EVERYTHING is digital, traceable, and controlled. (#5). more

ht Systematically Confused.

10 Comments on The New Abnormal is Global Socialism

  1. Gee does THAT paint the pretty picture. NOT. We can blame people like Cloward and Piven for results of their work today, along with Alinsky of course. What they taught there followers is to use our documents and books against it.

    The battle here is American Conservatism vs…Everything Else. AND they WANT YA MONEY.

    Glad she mentioned faith in the article, as AC is ROOTED in Judeo Christian values( with the backing of the Constitution and the DoI), which is hated by the world.

    It’s a GOOD thing we are coast to coast…for now…and we have a benign neighbor to the north, (oops, uh sorry there @KCIR) and a very violent one to the south, so there is a LOT of work to do.

    Good suggestion @Systematically Confused, I have been going to CFP for some years, but not too recently. Some of the articles I just saw, got my blood to start to simmer, as I ain’t in the boiling stage…yet.


  2. The globalist scam may have started in the 1950’s when people started to get fearful over being invaded by aliens in flying saucers. “We need a world government to repel an invasion from outer space” became a theme, due in part to some of the cheesy sci-fi movies of the era.

    The idiotic reliance on government goes against the American spirit. When big government is socialist, it’s curtains for freedom. We can’t let it happen here. America is the last bastion.

  3. What do you think the purpose of the so-called “coin shortage” is?

    Believe me, this TITANIC voyage will not change course. Drink up and give your musical requests to the band on the Promenade Deck. You know there are not enough life boats.

    But, hey! # WeAreAllInThisTogether

  4. @Ann Thracts – ^^^ up there, ‘coin shortage’ and ‘change’, pun intended or not??

    Should I think of consolidating the penny jars around the house!?


  5. No pun intended, identified by a sharp Ghost eye.

    There are a scattering of banks around the country giving 5% on bulk coinage turned in to them. $105 in paper or deposit for $100 in coins.

    I would hold on to the coin of the land. In a couple of months, you may not recognize this land. Sadly.

  6. The degenerate rich and degenerate poor share a common hatred. Both resent every nice thing honest hard working middle class people have. Both want to see such people brought down, destroyed, and ruined out of pure psychotic hatred. Both have no clue how bad it will be for them once they do that.

  7. 50′ is a lot of boat, Hanoverfist. You must have a crew – a luxury I don’t have. So, 40′ and it has to be a ketch rig.

    But I’m dragging an anchor… (land)


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