The new Bernie Sanders healthcare plan is even more absurd than his old one – IOTW Report

The new Bernie Sanders healthcare plan is even more absurd than his old one


The 2020 Democratic presidential nomination fight has barely gotten started, but Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has already managed to accomplish an incredible feat: He has come up with a new healthcare plan even more absurd than his old one.

Sanders’ new version of the plan, which he brands as “Medicare for all” because it polls better than socialized healthcare, maintains the central structure of the version of the plan that has been estimated to cost a whopping $32 trillion, but then makes promised benefits even more generous. Yet it has been endorsed by several rivals for the Democratic nomination: Sens. Cory Booker, D-N.J., Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.

Under the proposal, Sanders would transition the entire population to a new healthcare plan within four years. This is one reason why the term “Medicare for all” is a bit of a misnomer. The legislation doesn’t simply make the current Medicare program available to everybody, but it moves all Medicare beneficiaries out of the current program into the new government-run plan.

His bill would effectively eliminate private insurance. Specifically it would bar the sale of private insurance, either directly to individuals or through employers, that duplicates any of the benefits of the government-run plan. Given that the government plan he envisions would cover such a wide array of benefits, it would leave little room for private coverage. This would mean that nearly 180 million people would be kicked off health plans that they like, or more than half the U.S. population.

Not only does the plan promise to cover benefits including hospital services, doctor visits, prescription drugs, mental heath treatment, and dental and vision care, but it promises to do so without out-of-pocket expenses. That is, the plan promises to eliminate premiums, co-payments, and deductibles.

Providing effectively unlimited health services to every American for free would naturally lead to an explosion in demand for services, but Sanders does not lay out how he expects the healthcare system to meet this new demand without causing significant barriers to access such as excessive wait times and difficulties obtaining appointments in the first place.  more

8 Comments on The new Bernie Sanders healthcare plan is even more absurd than his old one

  1. there is one simple question that need be asked of every person that comes up w/ the new, ‘brilliant’ idea that humanity must follow in order to create its latest, greatest Utopia …. will you lead by example?

    Congress wants ‘single payer’? … fine! … show me how great it is … you first!

  2. All along our northern borders there are successful American companies arranging to take care of Canadians who cannot get basic, timely, or life saving medical care in Canada. Bernie lives smack dab in the middle of that and does not see it. Sanders needs a shit-for-brainsectomy.

  3. I had been working over 20 years before this slug Sanders ever had a actual job. The man is 14 years older than me. He lost relatives in the Holocaust and yet thrives to create a totalitarian government. This man and what he thinks means nothing to me. I would just as soon put a bullet in his brain as listen to him.


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