The New Blasphemy – IOTW Report

The New Blasphemy

Patriot Retort: You have to say this for the Washington Post. At least they’re consistent about being a garbage publication.

I’ve lost count. But I think I’ve written at least a half dozen posts about just how awful this newspaper has become.

So I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at this dreadful column about comedian Kevin Hart being blackballed from the Academy Awards over old tweets.


“Is losing the Oscars enough?”

Here, I’ll save you the click.  The author’s answer is “no.”

You see, Kevin Hart violated the Left’s Blasphemy Laws; he committed heresy.  Therefore, not only must he be punished, but there must be penance.

Hart joked that if he saw his son playing with a doll house, he’d break the doll house over the kid’s head for doing something gay.

And that is a bridge too far for this Inquisitor from the Washington Post.

Surely yanking him from the Oscars isn’t enough of a punishment for such blasphemy.

Is it enough, though? Or is it just a start? The concept of penance may be out of fashion, but that should change, especially at a moment of national reckoning over homophobia, sexual violence and racism. Stepping down from the Oscars may be punishment for Hart, but that censure doesn’t do very much to help people who have, for example, been beaten by relatives because of their perceived sexual orientation.

Can you believe this chick?

So, by her standards, does that mean if I use the phrase “beat him like a redheaded stepchild,” I must do penance for those redheaded stepchildren who actually have been beaten?

Probably not.

Redheaded stepchildren are not protected by the Left’s blasphemy laws – unless of course those redheaded stepchildren are gay (or transgendered).

And it isn’t enough to recant for that heresy, you must be punished for it as well.  more here

6 Comments on The New Blasphemy

  1. Kevin Hart should tell them to all got F**K themselves. He Told a JOKE! That’s his job. Yet MSNBC’s Joy Reid’s hate-filled homophobic blog rants were uncovered and she just said someone hacked into the internet archives and re-wrote her post…………and everyone said oh okay, cool. She still has her show.

  2. He wouldn’t dump on Trump. He’s A political. Mean while Amy Schumer calls everyone on the planet a FAG. I’m pretty sure you can smell that waking yeast infection from a long ways off.

  3. At its root, the socialist impulse is slavery. Notice how their justice, freedom and fairness requires we put on their yoke and harness. We are to give them our hard-earned money and give up our precious, God-given freedoms. These are evil people hiding behind a veneer of socialist platitudes. It is a very ancient fault in human nature that repeats again and again through history.

  4. The Post has gotten even more left/progressive rabid since Jeff Bezos (Amazon) bought the place. More and more I believe it’s time to break Amazon up if only because of the absolute power that it gives Bezos. We need to look at Alpahbet.Inc, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft and a number of other silicon behemoth’s. While I don’t like the feds (of either of our countries) sticking their beak into business (it usually doesn’t end well) the owners (or the controllers) of these companies have too much power that they have been using to damage conservatives of any stripe.

  5. “unless of course those redheaded stepchildren are gay (or transgendered”. Or an ILLEGAL ALIEN.

    Personally, Kevin Hart being banned from the Narcissists’ Oscars is a plus. Who watches that loser parade?


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