The NEW, DESPERATE Attempt by the Establishment to Take Down Trump – IOTW Report

The NEW, DESPERATE Attempt by the Establishment to Take Down Trump

Label Trump the ESTABLISHMENT!

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15 Comments on The NEW, DESPERATE Attempt by the Establishment to Take Down Trump

  1. “Label Trump the ESTABLISHMENT!”

    This was all over MSNBC and FOX this morning and by the way Cruz mentioned how Trump was the establishment candidate on Hannity last night. Pretty transparent. I don’t think anybodies buying into this.

  2. Trump himself has very recently bragged that he is getting big time support form the establishment republicans. He did mockingly say that he wasn’t sure if that will help or hurt, but he is getting their support.

    BTW, who here thinks the establishment would use reverse psychology in this way?

  3. Dole is the epitome of establishment republicans and he endorsed trump.

    trump is vying for the country club liberal/moderate/progressive republicans and democrats by attacking a conservative candidate, Cruz.

    trump is the classic politician, using classic political strategies.

  4. I’ve become very confused about posting because of all of the spelling Nazis or Nazi’s….so my question is this…is “Esteemed” anything like Gwynith Paltrow might do or is it like something you might do to Escargo?…

  5. Dole is the epitome of establishment republicans and he endorsed trump.
    I think you just made the esteemed Mr. Pinko’s point

    trump is vying for the country club liberal/moderate/progressive republicans and democrats by attacking a conservative candidate, Cruz.
    Trump is going after Cruz because he wants to win Iowa. Simple as that.

    trump is the classic politician, using classic political strategies.
    Trump is anything but the ‘classic politician’ … Trump does what he believes will seal the deal
    (& that doesn’t mean I agree with all of his methods)

  6. Wow, it seems a little early for going through the looking glass and sliding down the rabbit hole in this election cycle, but so be it.

    Here’s my take on Trump’s attitude toward all comers: Two things come immediately to mind here. 1) He keeps his eye on the ball/goal, 2) He really wants to unite the country behind some very serious changes he’s proposing.

    If by hook or by crook, he’s going get the things done he knows Americans want done. No need to list them all out, we know what they are.

    He can’t do that if he alienates every power player on the other side but he’s not going to do it by capitulating his own position. That’s not his signature style, it’s not his trade mark, it’s not in The Art of the Deal. It comes down to that saying your grandma tried to get you to agree with but you were never satisfied until you could give all your enemies a black eye: “You win more bees with honey than vinegar.” Human pride can be a debilitating thing.

  7. The GOPe sees the writing on the wall and if they have to choose which they want, Trump or Cruz they are going to back the one that they still think they can make a deal with (and thus maintain their own importance).

    Dole gave Trump a big wet sloppy kiss from the establishment. The former senator still thinks voters like him and would follow his endorsement.

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