The New Order (UK EDITION) Plagiarized Adolf Hitler’s Playbook – IOTW Report

The New Order (UK EDITION) Plagiarized Adolf Hitler’s Playbook

No shoes, no shirt, no animals (except service animals) – No service.

Tore Says:

Quarantine is for sick people. Lockdowns and curfews for healthy people is called HOUSE ARREST. Forced attire to enjoy services is also discriminatory as no one can force you to wear something unless it’s “offensive” to do so.

This is exactly what the Nazis did. They forced people to identify with their policies and mandates by wearing visible patches and bands to do so.

A UK Supermarket giant Morrisons has explained its rules after it was outed for forcing shoppers who are exempt from wearing a mask to wear yellow stickers in stores.

The supermarket has been trending on Twitter, with some shoppers even threatening to boycott it as a result. A boycott won’t help a mass movement of NOT wearing MASKS will. Will they turn away ALL their customers? Can they prove that the customers are a threat?

That is why the YELLOW STICKERS are being pushed. As I had warned in a broadcast in March – you will see the YELLOW STAR come back. It was only a matter of time. While liberals claim they want to “punch Nazis,” they fail to see that they are INDEED the NAZIS and ANTIFA is their SA.

A man who had a medical exemption went shopping. He was disobedient and refused to wear a mask with him breathing in his own air to satisfy the authoritarian rule. The security guard and the manager who said her name in the video told him he could wear a YELLOW STICKER to demonstrate compliance.

He refused

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5 Comments on The New Order (UK EDITION) Plagiarized Adolf Hitler’s Playbook

  1. Get really angry just driving around, all you see are people wearing mask 😷muzzles sitting at bus stops, driving in their cars, riding their bikes, walking in parking lots. I have to keep every ounce of patience I can muster to not tell them what a bunch of dumb fucks they are. 🤨 Well, actually I ask the Lord for the patience.

    United Spot has a new mask 😷 video that’s pretty funny. 😁😂

  2. They’re not making us wear stars yet, but try to go to the doctor or hospital without a mask. If you get put in the hospital and need any kind of procedure try getting it without a covid test. Need to go get a new tag or DL or abstract office or court office, no entry without a mask and a temperature check.
    So already you get no medical treatment unless you wear a mask and submit to a test. No tag or DL or selling property or going to court without a mask and a temperature check.
    Then there are a few grocery stores and restaurants even in Oklahoma that don’t allow you to enter without a mask. As of now there are a lot more that don’t require one, so you can boycott those that mandate them.

    How quick will it be no medical treatment without a vaccine? You can’t buy food without a vaccine? Real damn quick if the ignorant ass sheep don’t wake the hell up and quit complying.

  3. I saw a complete moron at the Dr. today wearing TWO masks. I only put one on to get through the doors. I was the ONLY person walking through the building with it off my face. I am astonished at how people just swallow the propaganda and can’t THINK. Astonished and deeply sad. I try and warn people about the experimental biological weapon and they say I need to get educated. OK, you go ahead and let bill effin gates change your DNA for a disease you have a 99% chance of surviving. I WILL die on that hill.

  4. Oh, and I am pissed that Trump did that operation warp speed and encouraged this shit. It’s looking more and more like the mark of the beast every day.

    I am NOT altering my DNA. I’m sure God will forgive me for offing myself if it comes to that.


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