The New Sexual Puritans – IOTW Report

The New Sexual Puritans


How the sex abuse scandal is being hijacked to demonize all men.  [Spicy language warning]

7 Comments on The New Sexual Puritans

  1. Nah. I don’t like this “Puritan” theme.
    Totalitarian, Fascist, Nazi…is more like it.
    And Watson’s explanation seems to fit these better, too.

    Puritans had a religious basis for their morality.
    The Left eschews morality…”the issue is never the issue.”

  2. When White Male Western Civilization is overthrown, Sharia will rule.

    No female will vote, drive, go to school, or leave the house. No women’s political or social organizations. No more women’s TV shows, because Sharia, and also women will no longer have any disposable income for advertisers.

    Feminism ends in its own extinction.

  3. History will eventually trace this epidemic back to a rare fungus growing on the rye plant.

    Or maybe lead in California’s water supply.

    I hate to consider it, but it may be traceable to fluoride in the water supply, robbing Californians of their precious bodily fluids.

    It’s GOT to be something. These things just don’t happen spontaneously in nature.

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