The New ‘Uncle Toms’ – IOTW Report

The New ‘Uncle Toms’

Islamists and Leftists Target Reformists and Ex-Muslims With Racial Epithet.


[…] Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, dealt with the issue for blacks in the United States. That book was published in 1852, and according to African-American culture magazine The Root:

Today nobody wants to be called an Uncle Tom, but 150 years ago, it was a compliment… Uncle Tom is a martyr, not a sell-out. His devotion to his fellow slaves is so unshakable that he sacrifices a chance for freedom and, ultimately, his life to help them.

It’s now 2017 – a “current year” factoid always thrown in our face by progressives – and the forcefulness by which the political left and fundamentalist Muslims utilise the phrases “house Muslim” or “uncle Tom” to shame those who don’t confirm is not just abundant, it is growing.

I have a pretty thick skin. I hear these things every day. I feel ashamed, not of who I am, but of my fellow human beings who find it appropriate to race-shame someone, or religion-shame them.

I’m told every day, perhaps even several times a day, that I’m a “coconut”, or I hear sardonic expressions of how “proud my parents must be” of me. It’s fine, I can take it. When it comes from Muslims I put this down to envy. The green-eyed monster and the green, Arab-clad flags co-ordinate well together.  more here

8 Comments on The New ‘Uncle Toms’

  1. The totalitarians know for what they endeavor.
    Freedom and Liberty are amorphous concepts in the minds of millions, and presented as scary and anathematic by the gov’t and media.
    And by the churches and Academia, I might add.

    Organizing those who believe in Freedom and Liberty is akin to herding cats.
    Those who believe in Freedom and Liberty have a difficult time marching in lock-step with others, regardless of their common beliefs.
    It is much easier to organize and control the insensate zombies of “leftism” who are naturally inclined to follow the “leader” regardless of where the “leader” leads (see Socialism, National Socialism (Nazism), Italian Socialism (Fascism), Communism (Bolshevism/Maoism), Christian Democrats, izlamism, Demonrats, RINO-rats, Euro-rats, Labour, Leftism, Progressivism, &c.).

    Calling people ugly names is the least offensive (and least violent) thing of which they are capable. Look for further escalations in violence. They will try to ratchet it up slowly so that they can disavow the reality (slowly raising the temperature to boil the frog, so to speak).

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Punitive community (i.e. a community that punishes citizens who won’t “submit” to norms of expected behavior — think cult) is best dealt with never letting it start or grow.

    Islam is a growing cancer upon a free community -eating away at all fre action and thought).

    Just say no to the muzzies and make them assimilate not intimidate.

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