The New York Times Ends Don Lemon’s Career – IOTW Report

The New York Times Ends Don Lemon’s Career

The New York Times – which is what makes this so funny – has, for real, BANNED its reporters from appearing on Don Lemon’s CNN show “Don Lemon Tonight” because they’re afraid it will make them look bad.

15 Comments on The New York Times Ends Don Lemon’s Career

  1. I was in the public library today, and they had Summer’s Eve’s book on display with his mug on the cover. Fortunately, I was able to pepkace it with a nearby Clint Eastwood biography. Well, fairly nearby.

  2. Gin B – I remember that song. I also remember when the Danish guy brought it back from his visit back home in the 80s and played for everybody in the office. The sly devil wanted us to explain it to him!!

  3. If true I won’t thank the NYT {they owe restitution for their slimy manipulation of news} but I am grateful for not having to look or listen to that acid tongued perfumed twink anymore.
    I’ve been secretly hoping that AIDS research has stalled just for a while longer.

  4. Not possible for the NYT journos to look more opinionated than they are already. They no longer research…it’s just make it up as you go. Loser Lemon is the same way.


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